Wed. Oct 9th, 2024

What Are You Doing With Your God-Given Authority and Favor?

When we soak in the presence of God, we are not only fostering our relationship with God but setting the table for the glory of God to be manifested in our lives.

The organic fruit of this will be an increase in His anointing and His power in our lives. This is the fuel to be game changers for Him. I believe when we say “yes” to Him, it is the spark that ignites the fuel.

All He needs is a “yes” to bring His will to pass.

Remember, Jesus said, “Truly, truly I say to you, he who believes in Me will do the works that I do also. And he will do greater works than these, because I am going to My Father” (John 14:12). Do you believe it? Do you want it? Are you hungering for it? If not, why? Are you stuck in the horizontal of this life, consumed with survival and not His eternal plan for you here? We cannot be so earthly minded we forget who put us here and for what purpose.

Time is ticking. I believe we are getting closer and closer to the end of time as we know it. You can tell by the signs of the times swirling around us. We need to make every minute count.

We must also consider what we are doing with the authority and power He gives us. 2 Timothy 3:5 warns of those “having a form of godliness, but denying its power. Turn away from such people.” I do not want to be known as such a person!

In Revelation 3:16, Jesus says we are to be cold or hot but not lukewarm. If we are lukewarm, he goes on to say, “I will spit you out of My mouth.” Yikes! Are we being a thermometer or a thermostat in our spheres of influence?

When we don’t use what we have been given, I liken this to being “all dressed up with no place to go.” Many Christians have what I call the “God bless me clubs”. They encourage and bless one another but ignore the fact that we, as the church, need to be sharing what we have with others.

Are we or are we not the hands and feet of God? We, as the church, need to move out of that “club” to share what we have cultivated in His presence with the world. We need to be those game changers for God. Can you imagine if we all walked in this? Not a demon in hell would want to be near us!

That would surely change this present earthly climate. The world is waiting for the out pouring of His manifested presence. It is needed more now than ever before. As the evil one raises his standard, the Spirit of God wants to raise up an even grander standard, and He wants to use us. I believe the next wave of evangelism is going to be us, mobile churches ministering outside the walls of traditional churches with signs and wonders that cannot be denied to anyone. Many will fall in repentance and be saved. Are you excited yet?

He is calling us to move out and beyond fear, comfort zones, unbelief and the like that holds us back from being used by Him with signs and wonders. We cannot hide our lights and His glory under a bushel basket. We may be the only Bible some people will ever see.

We need to find and embrace our identity, assignments and the authority in Him, with His power, and take the world back from the enemy.

Lord, I pray for all of those reading this and listening to the podcasts. Please put a hunger, thirst and passion in them for more of you and more of Your presence, so Your promised resurrection power can be made manifest in all of us, here and now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Tune into this episode of the Game Changers for God podcast on Charisma Podcast Network with Rev. Josephine Marie Ayers. {eoa}

Josephine Marie Ayers is the president and founder of Flames of Fire Ministries Inc.

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