Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

WATCH: These 3 Words Will Dramatically Change How You View Yourself

These three words can dramatically change how you view yourself.

There’s a prevailing lie that has infiltrated much of the culture. The propaganda that you and I are mere products of some primordial soup that randomly formed together to create life is spread throughout our classrooms and TV programs. “There’s no purpose or reason for existence,” is what’s implied. “We’re all just accidents of evolution.”

This notion of purposelessness is further bolstered by the epidemic of fatherlessness. Many people today are raised in homes of an absent parent. More and more people feel alone and abandoned, which they then relate to their heavenly Father. Many believe that if they’re meaningless to their parents, then they must also be meaningless to God.

You Are No Surprise to God

Sure, it might be true that you were a surprise to your parents. But you are no surprise to God! The truth is that God had you in mind before your parents ever conceived you. Like a potter’s hand to clay, God crafted you with great care, from the inside out. Not a single one of your features were an afterthought.

Now, let me let you in on a little secret: God knows you better than you know yourself! David revealed that God knows when you sit and stand, the hairs on your head and the words you’ll say before you say them. Think about that! God knew what He was getting before He formed you. And despite the good, the bad and the ugly, He still chose to bring you into existence.

God Chose You

In Ephesians 1:5, Paul assures, “He predestined us to adoption as sons to Himself … .”

One day while reading this, I pondered, “What were God’s thoughts toward me before I was formed?” Then the Holy Spirit spoke something that nearly brought me to tears. He said, “I know Kyle will mess up more times than not, but I’m taking a chance on him to accept My Son, Jesus, and enter into My family. I’m not afraid of his past—I have a plan to erase that. A relationship with Kyle is worth the price I have to pay for it.”

You should replace my name with yours. Hear that: God says that a relationship with you was worth the price He had to pay for it. And what a huge price that was!

A Profound, Three-Word Truth

Declare this three-word truth today: “God chose me!” Think about the implications of that! You are not an accident, nor are you unwanted. Regardless of the way you entered this world or what’s happened since you’ve been here, you are God’s desire. Build your confidence on the truth that God has chosen you, and even against all odds, He has a plan to use you! {eoa}

Kyle Winkler equips people to live in victory. His mobile app, Shut Up, Devil!, is the No. 1 spiritual warfare app; and his recent book, Silence Satan, has helped thousands shut down the enemy’s attacks, threats, lies and accusations. Kyle holds a Master of Divinity in biblical studies from Regent University. Get daily encouragement from Kyle on Facebook and Twitter.

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