Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Watch Out for This Lie That Attacks Christian Businesspeople

The secular marketplace is full of Christians. The problem is, many of them struggle to feel like they’re actually contributing to the kingdom.

Boosting productivity is obviously a common goal. But Linda Fields, the head of International house of Prayer’s Marketplace ministry and the founder of TrueTribe, an online community of believers going after God-made success, also knows that it takes more than simply hard work to do so. Through her podcast, “The Linda Fields Show,” Fields helps leaders understand the high calling on their lives in the marketplace and provides spiritual tips to help them thrive and walk in their God-given authority.

“As a believer, you have a place of bringing an impact in your sphere of influence,” Fields told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of “Greenelines” on the Charisma Podcast Network. “We just like to bring that down to a practical level so that a business person can understand that there is a way they can bring a great impact in their lives by the way they treat the people they meet each day—the way they speak to them, the way they honor them.

“So many people feel disqualified from the real spiritual work that needs to be done because they are in a secular workplace. Nothing can be further from the truth. It’s a ministry. We’re gifted to work and to walk in it. …

“Everyone wants to boost their productivity every day, right? To do that, I say quit waiting for permission. Too many people are waiting on someone else to recognize them before they step out. And second, when you show up at the table, show up with something to contribute—an idea, a resource, volunteering an hour to move something forward. Be a solution finder and a solution bringer and be that person who, when you show up at the table, everything gets better. Be a source of light and truly bring your God-given gifts with you.”

For more of Linda Fields’ ministry, listen to this podcast.

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