Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Watch: John Paul Jackson Unmasks the Jezebel Spirit

John Paul Jackson

John Paul Jackson wrote Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit in 2002, but its content is even more important for believers today.

In the book, Jackson breaks through the enemy’s façade and exposes one of his more deceptive traps to destroy the church.

The Jezebel Spirit is used to destroy whatever God is trying to do,” Jackson told Bakker. “(The Spirit of Jezebel thinks) if I can keep revelation from being seen by those who see, then nobody will expose me. And if I can get rid of those who expose me, I can have a longer lifespan.”

Charismatic leader Lou Engle said of Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit, “While reading it, I found the Spirit of God deeply probing me, searching for areas of inward toleration of Jezebel in my own soul. You will find it the same as you read.”

In this interview on the Jim Bakker Show just prior to his death in February 2015, John Paul Jackson talks about the importance of exposing the Spirit of Jezebel. {eoa}

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