Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Watch: God’s Great Habit That Gives You Great Power

The enemy wants to silence you and keep you from serving God.

Those who study human behavior say that among everything people fear, there’s one fear that tops the list. And it’s not what you think. Not Death. Not finances. Not loneliness.

More than anything else, people today are afraid of living a life that doesn’t make a difference.

Think about that! People today want to feel as if their lives count for something. And for Christians, this means we desperately want to be used by God. With this drive, coupled with the modern technology and media we have to reach the ends of the earth, the possibility of fulfilling the Great Commission is very real.

And the devil is scared stiff!

Satan’s Plan to Silence You

This is the very premise of my book, Silence Satan. Knowing that his time is nearing the end, Satan has upped the ante to try to silence the voices that God wants to use mightily in these last days. So like a prosecuting attorney, he collects evidence from your past to present as reasons why “You’re too messed up,” “You’re not good enough” or why “God can’t use you.” And if he can convince you of all of this, he then virtually muzzles your voice and thwarts your influence.

The devil wants you to believe that your weaknesses and past mistakes disqualify you from God’s service. But the truth we observe all throughout Scripture is that God has a habit of using unlikely people. In fact, He often takes nobodies and turns them into somebodies. That’s great hope for you and me!

Your Weakness = God’s Strength

Are you flawed? Get in line with some of the best! Noah got drunk. Jacob was a deceiver. Moses had a stutter. Rahab was a prostitute. Mary Magdalene was demon possessed. Peter denied Jesus three times. The Bible is littered with heroes whom, despite their pasts and shortcomings, God still used mightily. Why? Because they surrendered their lives to Him, allowing God to show His strength through their weaknesses.

In 2 Corinthians 12:9, the Lord assures, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Hear that for yourself today: God’s grace is all you need! Your flaws have the power to display His power!

Don’t let the voice of “Look what you’ve done,” “You’re not enough of this” or “You’re too much of that” disqualify you. Know that your wounds, your past and your weaknesses—when given to God—are actually the things He will use powerfully in His service. These things have the power to relate with people, to show evidence of God’s healing, to give hope that what God did for you, He’ll also do for someone else. {eoa}

Kyle Winkler equips people to live in victory. His mobile app, Shut Up, Devil!, is the No. 1 spiritual warfare app; and his recent book, Silence Satan, has helped thousands shut down the enemy’s attacks, threats, lies and accusations. Kyle holds a Master of Divinity in biblical studies from Regent University. Get daily encouragement from Kyle on Facebook and Twitter.

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