Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Stronghold You Defeated Will Keep Coming Back Unless You Do This

Mindsets are formed from experiences. They are thought processes that will stunt your growth. The enemy does not have a stronghold. You are the one who is holding it strongly and not letting it go. Strongholds are set up for protection because when we are young and innocent, we have been hurt, abused, taken advantage of, but Jesus says, “In the kingdom, we must become like a little child again” (see Matt. 18:3) without reservation.

Children who grow up in the church have a lot of strongholds. They have believed a lie for so many years because of traditions and religion and denominational doctrines. Now they need the hammer—the right one—that will break everything that is not of Him. Sometimes you resist the right people and the right word in your life. You keep setting up your own boxes and fortresses in your mind. Only people that are set free can help others to be free.

If you are frugal with yourself, there is no way to be extravagant with others. We can be trapped by our own way of thinking. But let this mind be in you: the mind of Christ. God wants to break our paradigm.

Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Are you really free indeed? Because we have been given freedom, let’s walk in it.

Jesus broke the religious Jewish mindsets. Their traditions were not evil or bad, but they kept themselves from really knowing Him. The renewing has to happen by knowing the Word of God. It is impossible to know God without knowing the Word. By revelation, you can bring the kingdom.

God cannot live inside of us fully until He can get past our strongholds. This mind must be in you as it is in Christ Jesus. Meditate on this. Act upon this, not upon formulas and traditions. He does not want us to be bound by the way we think. Formulas can be good, but when they become traditions, they are not good. God is not an ABC God. He is faith, and He is power. His grace is greater than our mindsets and our ways.

Our mindsets and traditions are strongholds. They cause us to expect something that will never happen because we are following carnality. We cannot think in an earthly way, because He is from above.

The church in Corinth was very carnal, worldly. They had worldly strongholds. Paul was telling them: Take every thought of yours captive.! The enemy wants to take up space in our minds.! Through our strongholds, we are giving the devil permission if we are not letting the Word of God change our thinking. You hold onto something that was good, but that will never take you to where you are supposed to be. God is not a step program.

We break strongholds through obeying Christ and His Word. This is the exchange. I was an orphan; now I am a son. I was living a lie; now I am in the truth. The Word of God keeps breaking the mindsets that we have planted from this corrupt world. God’s Word with revelation will uproot every tree we have planted in our minds and break mindsets that have been put in by lies.

You can’t be something unless you think like it. So, as a man thinks, so He is! That is why Jesus always says, “Let this mind be in you.” The same mind that is in Him.

Little sayings can trap you! Then the enemy has your whole mind, and then here is a stronghold being formed. We have two hands. One has to be letting go all the time, and the other has to be receiving all the time. We are receiving from the Father as our mindsets are being broken. We are letting go of lies, like to be kingdom minded is to be no earthly good. This is another lie: This is just the way we are supposed to be. No, we are to be totally kingdom minded. We are not supposed to stay the same!

Renewing is to return. Don’t relapse into your old thinking. Give up your will and your way of thinking, and let God renew it. The stronger your will is, the stronger your stronghold is.

You can’t ever change the tree without plucking out the roots. You live in this prison in your own mind. God wants to give us His mind. That is what we are supposed to have from the beginning. This is not a one-time session that will fix everything, but a lifestyle. You can bury it or hide it, but you will never be really free because of your mindset. The Holy Spirit promises to guide us into all truth, but we need to follow it. That is how faith works! {eoa}

Among many voices, Shane W. Roessiger, founder of H.O.T. HOUSE OF TRUTH and author of Smashing Deception in the House of God—has been crying out in the USA and in the nations of the earth, preparing the bride for the bridegroom, Jesus. Located in Nokomis, Florida, H.O.T. HOUSE OF TRUTH is a place designed by God to make His bride ready, to awaken her by the preaching of His uncompromising Word, to purify her by His fire, to equip her by His Spirit, to send her out full of oil, fire and fruits.

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