Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Secret Election Message Hidden in the Psalms

Book of Psalms

Finally, we’re just days away from the end of long and bitter election cycle. Though, I know that the rough and tumble of the campaigns have made us all a bit weary, voting is an American privilege that we shouldn’t take lightly. And so I hope you’ll exercise the opportunity to express your voice at the ballot boxes.

Those closest to me know that I have quite the political bone in me. Beginning in college, I was heaped in the political world. I led our campus club, was employed in various campaigns and even rubbed shoulders with some of the most famous figures. I still watch every debate and probably way too many talking heads. But some years ago, I chose ministry over politics because I saw that politics couldn’t bring real change. But rather, a principle hidden inside the book of Psalms could.

The Arrangement of the Book of Psalms

Here’s some background. Psalms is a collection of 150 poems and hymns that is split into five sections. Though you and I mostly flip through the psalms devotionally, scholars say the book was arranged in an order that tells a story. And it’s this story that provides the message that’s crucial at such a time as this.

Like any book, Psalms begins with an introduction. Psalm 1 encourages readers to meditate on God’s Word day and night. It assures that the “Lord knows the way of the righteous” (Ps. 1:6, MEV).

But Psalm 2 opens the book with the institution of David as King of God’s people. And this is very important. Originally, God was to be the sole King of His people. But eventually, God’s people desired what all the other nations had—a human leader. And God granted their desire.

The Journey of God’s People

As you continue through the psalms, you’ll notice a storyline: They reflect thanksgiving, then fear and distress, then short-lived repentance and subsequent restoration, then the removal of God’s blessings and exile. It’s quite the rollercoaster, actually.

But by Psalm 90 a dramatic shift happens. The emphasis of God’s people turns from hope in a human king to hope in God as their one, true King. In fact, David is never again mentioned as king, but only as God’s servant. From this point on, praise and thanksgiving of King Yahweh characterize the rest of the book. And it ends with an exuberant declaration: “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” (Ps. 150:6, MEV).

The Message for America

Do you see the lesson for America? No politician alone, nor his or her policies, can restore the nation back to the prosperity and protection it once knew. And we won’t find our solutions in having what other nations have or by doing what other nations do.

Like Israel learned, the key to America’s future is in our willingness to acknowledge our wicked ways, to turn from them and to place our confidence, trust and obedience in God who is our true King. And as the introduction of Psalms instructs, it would be wise for us to “meditate day and night” on such a message.

For a more detailed study into the story in the Book of Psalms, read my longer article previously published. {eoa}

Kyle Winkler equips people to live in victory. His mobile app, Shut Up, Devil!, is the No. 1 spiritual warfare app; and his recent book, Silence Satan, has helped thousands shut down the enemy’s attacks, threats, lies and accusations. Kyle holds a Master of Divinity in biblical studies from Regent University. Get daily encouragement from Kyle on Facebook and Twitter.

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