Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Spiritual Warfare Wisdom: Stop Getting Stuck in the Courtroom!

If we do not know our ultimate destination as heirs, we will get stuck on the battleground or tied up in the courtroom.

Like many believers determined to fulfill God’s will and purpose on the earth, much of my journey has been battling the enemy as a spiritual warrior. I have spent a lot of time on the battleground fighting a spiritual adversary through prayer and intercession. I have learned how to use the sword of God’s Word to defend myself and stand on His truth.

I have also learned how the enemy is a legalist and have spent considerable time in the courtroom, presenting cases before the Father so that the threats and intimidation against God’s purposes would stop (see Isa. 41:21).

Though I have won many of these battles, without realizing it, much of my journey has been spent going between the battleground and the courtroom. It wasn’t until the Lord revealed a higher call that I have been stirred to position myself elsewhere. In this season, I believe He is calling many of us to the throne room as rightful heirs to the King so we can rule in the midst of our enemies. It is here that we must head if we are not only to win the various battles of the day but win the war for our inheritance.

Each place has its purpose and appropriate tools. Each position has its time and season and can only be held through grace. On the battleground, we use the sword. In the courtroom, we present the records. In the throne room, He now extends His scepter.

“Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; the scepter of Your kingdom is an upright scepter” (Ps. 45:6).

We must know when to stand on the battleground and when to stand in the courtroom. Even so, it is the throne room, alone, that is eternal and untouchable by the enemies of God. There will be a time when the battles stop, and the courtroom is closed. All that happens in those two positions are for the sole purpose of getting us to the throne room. It is in the throne room where we stand as joint heirs, not as warriors or defendants. It is there we stand as sons and daughters who hold the scepter of kingdom authority and rule.

If we do not know our ultimate destination as kingdom heirs, we will get stuck before we reach it. The enemy will keep us on the battleground, locked in unending battles and skirmishes. If he cannot distract us there, he will keep us tied up in the courtroom with endless red tape, looking for evidence to disqualify us and defeat us.

Our accuser will do all he can to keep us from our inheritance and blind us as sons and daughters of the Most High. His jealousy and hatred compel him to keep us from the very place where he once stood in ages past. It is in the throne room where he has no standing, no honor and no hope. It is the place from which he was exiled for all eternity. Yet, it is the place where we can yield the greatest authority and impact on the earth.

On the battleground, his hordes of demons excel in strategic attacks and relentless assaults. In the courtroom, his bitter envy and selfish pride fuel his ongoing threats and never-ending accusations. But in the throne room, he is not only powerless, but has been denied entry. He has no standing in the glory. It is simply a reminder of what he once had—and lost.

“The Lord said to my Lord: ‘Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool. The Lord shall send your mighty scepter out of Zion; rule in the midst of your enemies” (Ps. 110:1-2).

If we embrace our call to the throne room, we will know when to walk off the battleground and when to leave the courtroom. Each position has its purpose in achieving the greater goal—that of ruling with the King over all who threaten His reign. We are heirs of righteousness who have been given His scepter to render decisions on His behalf.

He is reminding us to stand in confidence as co-heirs and descendants of the throne. On the battleground we are surrounded by enemies. In the courtroom we face a demonic prosecutor. But in the throne room, we are surrounded by His glory. It is from this place that our vision and clarity is most accurate, and our decisions carry the most weight. The enemy has no choice but to yield when an heir to the throne extends His scepter and renders decisions on the King’s behalf.

“Clouds and thick darkness are all around Him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne. A fire goes up before Him and burns up His enemies all around. His lightning bolts light up the world; the earth sees and shakes” (Ps. 97:2-4).

As we continue to face a spiritual adversary that is relentless in his attacks and persistent in his threats, perhaps it’s time to stop waving our swords and dealing with red tape. Maybe it’s time some of us head to the throne room and learn the power of His scepter in the midst of His glory. Maybe it’s time to stop battling a foe that has already lost. We are being called to rule with the King, not because we are good warriors or effective at winning cases, but because we are heirs to the throne.

Wanda Alger’s 35-plus years of ministry includes worship leading, teaching, preaching, intercession and pastoring with her husband, Bobby Alger. Words from her weekly prophetic blog have been posted on The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel and Charisma online. Wanda currently works for Intercessors for America as a field correspondent. Her passion is to develop healthy leaders and fivefold ministers who walk in power and integrity. As an author and conference speaker, she shares insights and principles that will help believers mature and become effective change agents in their homes, churches and community. She and Bobby currently pastor Crossroads Community Church in Winchester, Virginia, which they planted in 1998. Connect with her at

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