Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Spirit-Filled Apostle: Beat the Devil at His Own Game

Being a prophet means we are continually sensing everything—from what others are going through to what is going on in the spirit. When faced with a tough situation, we wonder right away if it is of the Lord or of the devil.

Like you, I never want to be the devil’s puppet and play into his hand. So, when the pressures come against me, I run to the Lord to find out if this is of Him or of the enemy so that I can know how to square off with the situation. I need to know whether I’m going to submit to the trial or fight against it.

Here’s the secret: Whether you fight against the trial or submit to it, you will go through a process. The Lord opened my eyes so beautifully to this.

I pray that what the Lord said to me will resonate with you as well. He said, “When you put gold in the fire, no matter what kind of fire, the gold will go through a refining process. The gold will melt, and the dross will come out and be purified a little more. So, my child, use each attack that comes at you as an opportunity to refine you, and so take away the enemy’s power. Use this fire to become a purer vessel for me.”

Plot twist! This change of perspective takes away the power the enemy thought he had over you. His plan is to get you stuck in your mind playing his game. (Remember, the mind is his battlefield.) What he wants to do is tie you up in knots to the point where you are no use to neither man nor God. No, rather embrace the pressure; get the Lord’s wisdom on how to overcome, and then use the process to become refined and stronger for it.

When you are able to do this, you turn every attack into a counter-attack and the very process that was meant to crush you will make you stronger and more capable. You take the enemy’s ace card and make it yours to use against him!

Your mind needs to be transformed from being a victim of the enemy’s attacks to an overcomer in Christ in all things.

So, are you facing trails that are trying to overwhelm you? Do you feel you do not have what it takes to overcome?

Then, there is a simple solution. All you need to do is follow these steps to victory:

  1. Find your five minutes of quiet! Escape to the bathroom or the garden.
  2. Now, come to peace. Take some nice, deep breaths and allow your spirit, soul and body to come to rest.
  3. Now that you feel the Lord, allow Him to speak.
  4. Stay long enough to hear His still, small voice from within. You will hear His promise to you and the steps you need to take to accomplish this victory.
  5. Now, step back out into the battlefield and face your Goliath—You’ve got this!

I know you are an overcomer, and I know you have what it takes. You just need the penny to drop in your spirit, and then, you will see the change and be the overcomer I know you are. I leave you with this Scripture to remind you just how much gold you have.

“In order that the genuineness of your faith, which is more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tried by fire, may be found to result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Pet. 1:7). {eoa}

For more Spirit-filled content like this, listen to Next Gen Prophets with Apostles Craig and Colette Toach on the Charisma Podcast Network.

Craig Toach is a husband, father, apostle, leader, spiritual parent and long-time friend of Jesus Christ. When things get tough, he is a pillar unshaken because his core belief is that a relationship with Jesus can fix anything. Originally from South Africa, he and his wife, Colette Toach, left their country in 1999 to start their own international prophetic school that has produced high caliber prophets ever since.

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