Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Spiritual Warfare and Healing Declarations

We are in a war, a spiritual battle. We can’t always see it, but we must not deny what we can’t see. I have been crying out to the Lord recently to help me set people free in their minds and bring forth the ministry of deliverance. We are in a crucial stage of life with what is happening with the government, pandemic and in our own lives, families and churches that we must bring forth freedom. We must take authority over principalities and powers. Jesus gave us dominion.

As I was in prayer, the Holy Spirit began to provide me with the revelation of what was happening and birthed these warfare declarations out of that prayer time. If we collectively pray these audibly, we can take authority over what is happening. Recently, the Lord was revealing to me this is a season of great deliverance. I believe our world, government, financial institutions and churches all need deliverance, along with our own lives. Believe that deliverance, freedom and change will manifest as these warfare declarations are released into the spiritual atmosphere!

Spiritual Warfare and Healing Declarations

I destroy and completely abolish every demonic system set in operation against the financial system of the USA and the world. Every evil perpetrator trying to extinguish monetary success and economic abundance, I rebuke you and diffuse your plans and purposes against our economy and financial structure.

I command every disease agent, virus and pandemic to be utterly abolished, completely done. I order, direct and command every disease and spirit of infirmity operating through this virus and pandemic to dissolve and disappear, in the name of Jesus. I speak and announce that we are covered in the blood of the Lamb and by His stripes, we are healed!

Every dark force operating and fueling the spirit of destruction, death and illness over this world. I annihilate your powers. I bind and restrict you. I prevent you from infiltrating more human bodies. I instruct, direct and order you to be paralyzed, unable to function or further move forward, in the name of Yeshua Messiah, Jesus!

I command every word curse, false diagnosis, fleshly prediction and false scenarios by government officials, scientists, health professionals and the general public to be incinerated in the spiritual realm. Cease in activating, in Jesus’ name. I speak and declare that every negative word constructed in the spiritual realm, affecting the natural world, is now deconstructed and no longer established, in Jesus’ name.

I remove every evil spirit from going forth and wreaking havoc upon this earth. Every evil force sending disturbance and disruption in the natural I abort your assignments and command them to stop now before completed, in the name of Yahweh!

Every familiar spirit attempting to repeat cycles and patterns of illness, death and destruction in the world, I call off your assignment. I take authority over you and command that you are permanently disabled from activating. I extinguish, end and wipe out your power and orders from existence.

I desecrate every demonic supply line and frequency channel in the spiritual atmosphere. I order you to desist and rescind your demonic assignment, in Jesus’ name.

I eradicate, eliminate and destroy completely every spirit of fear, paranoia, panic, stress, anxiety and worry. In Jesus’ name, I cast you out of people. Release their minds and torment them no more. I expel every mind-binding spirit that would lure people into an unproductive and unfruitful way of thinking.

I command every demonic spirit and strongman that is in full operation and fueling sickness and health ailments across the world to dissipate, in Jesus’ name.

I root out and nullify every spirit of death. Spirits of destruction, go now, in Jesus’ name. I speak and decree that people will live and not die.

I abort every demonic assignment sending health ailments my way. I say, be abolished, in Jesus’ name. I put a formal end to your assignment to penetrate my health with afflictions.

I annihilate, defeat overwhelmingly, every demonic deployment against my health, in the name of Jesus. I speak and declare that demonic orders are rescinded by the blood of Christ. I proclaim they are removed, canceled and void of their effect and activation, in Jesus’ name.

I command sickness and disease attempting to infiltrate my body to cease and desist of your assignment. I proclaim you will suspend every demonic activity against me in Jesus’ name.

I confine and restrict the devil and his demons from deploying and activating against me. I renounce and repent of any sin, entry points or legal rights that I have opened up in my life that have given the devil a foothold. I rebuke the adversary and his plan of action against me. I speak and decree that your orders are rescinded and abolished, in Jesus’ name.

I incinerate the blueprints of hell against me. I call forth the fire of God to burn up every written instruction and order in the demonic realm against my life, in the name of Yahweh.

I interrupt the plans of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy. I claim and command, I have abundant life (John 10:10).

I abolish and completely cast out spirits of worry, anxiety, fear, panic and torment. I have been given a spirit of power and love, not fear (2 Tim. 1:7). I will walk in the strength of the Lord and the faith He has given me.

I speak and decree that my prophetic destiny is set in motion. I will not be detoured or delayed in my prophetic kingdom assignment, in the name of Jesus!

Kathy’s online e-church offers spiritual warfare and deliverance teaching, along with praying for people during the service to receive the ministry of deliverance. Every Sunday night at 6 p.m. Eastern, we allow the Holy Spirit to move prophetically to release your breakthrough! Click here to receive the Zoom link.

Join us on Tuesday at 1 p.m. Eastern when Kathy teaches about spiritual warfare. Click here to receive the Zoom link.

Kathy’s new book, Prophetic Spiritual Warfare, is chock full of deliverance declarations and exercises. Order her book here or wherever books are sold.

Kathy’s popular podcast on deliverance and spiritual warfare can be listed to by clicking here, or anywhere podcasts are available. {eoa}

Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic deliverance minister. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and K Advancement LLC. Kathy hosts a podcast show called Prophetic Spiritual Warfare. She is the author of several books; Prophetic Spiritual Warfare, Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, and Unshackled. She is empowering people and setting the captives free through her many e-courses at You can connect with Kathy on Facebook at or visit

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