Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Minister Who Can See Demons Warns Against Christians Celebrating Halloween

From hearing music and copy machines that weren’t being controlled by people, to her children seeing and hearing demons in their bedrooms, prophetic minister Kathy DeGraw opens up about times both she and her children have encountered demons. It was almost like she and her family were chosen for deliverance ministry—DeGraw has since been very active in spreading the word about the realities of the supernatural realm.

“I remember traveling around the U.S., and as I would go into different territories and regions, I would be feeling a tightening on my esophagus. And I knew there were witchcraft spirits in operation in that region. And I would feel like that python witchcraft spirit just tightening around my esophagus, making it hard to breathe, making it hard to pray, where you had to come and take your authority and really rise up above those attacks.

“There was one region that I would go into all the time. And as I was going down the stairs to minister, I would see demons and I would hear them say, ‘I’m going to kill you.’ And they would constantly be threatening that. And really, what we have to realize is, even though they’re threatening, we have power and authority over them. And God can conquer that.”

That being said, DeGraw does not believe Christians should celebrate Halloween, she says on the “Charisma News” podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. Knowing demons and Satan are alive and active, especially on Halloween, she advises that we be wary about opening doors to the enemy.

“In the Bible, it says to give no place to the devil. And that means closing doorways that can open up to the demonic realm. And Halloween is one of those events. … How do we best exude the love of God? By not participating in something that He would be against—He came to conquer the forces of evil. And I believe if we teach our children early on about the love of Jesus, we also have to teach them about the powers of darkness. …

“In the month of October, the witches, Satanists, neopagans, they’re all going and spending this month in prayer and fasting. It is their job to curse, to wreak havoc, to take demonic principalities and territories to wreak destruction on Christians specifically.”

To listen to more of DeGraw’s stories of encounters with the demonic, and also for practical tips on combating spiritual warfare, listen to the rest of the episode titled “Witchcraft in Halloween With Kathy DeGraw.”

To read more about Halloween from a Christian perspective, check out this new e-book for only $3.99: Why Christians Shouldn’t Celebrate Halloween.

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