Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Make These Powerful Declarations to Destroy Fear and Disable the Enemy

Did you know you were created to solve a specific problem in the earth? Did you know your voice was designed to provide an answer to someone’s dilemma?

That is why the enemy has plagued you with fear since your youth. Some of you fear failure; others fear success. Then there are those of you who just fear opening you mouth.

You want to, but you find it difficult to boldly decree the words that God has given you. Fear has you stopped in your tracks. Just know that you are not alone. Many believers have fought the same battle with the spirit of fear and won.

In John 10:10, Jesus told us that the enemy has been on assignment to steal, kill and destroy since the beginning of time. This assignment includes an assassination attempt on our voice. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us that we should “be sober, and watchful, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” The primary weapon the enemy uses against the believer is the spirit of fear.

The enemy starts at an early age trying to destroy our voice and instill fear in us. Valora tells the story that as a child, she was so fearful of speaking that she wouldn’t even talk to God. She was so afraid that she would write letters to Him instead. I (LaJun) stuttered uncontrollably because I was paralyzed by fear. Isn’t it interesting that the enemy targets those whom he knows God has placed His hand upon to champion the cause of Christ in the earth?

He understands that if he can silence us at an early age, we will never fulfill our destiny. If he is successful in silencing us, He knows that he will not only hinder us, but the lives of hundreds (undoubtedy more) of people who are waiting to hear our voice.

Fortunately for you and me, God has already given us the victory. The Scriptures declare in Luke 10:19 that God has given us authority over all the power of the enemy. Furthermore, God promises that no weapon formed against us can prosper and that if He (God) is for us, no one can be against us.

Another of our favorite Scriptures can be found in Philippians 4:13, which says: “I can do all things because of Christ who strengthens me.” Fear does not come from God; therefore, you don’t have to receive anything God didn’t send. His Word lets us know in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and self-control.”

These Scriptures give every believer assurance that God will cause us to triumph in every situation and challenge we encounter. So, what are you waiting for? Decide today that you will overcome fear, open your mouth and boldly declare the word of the Lord. Make up in your mind that nothing will hold you back from being a fearless, global solutionist and allow yourself to be used by God to change the world. Someone in the world is counting on you to speak words that will catapult them into their next place of destiny. Don’t allow fear to hold you back any longer.

Here are a few powerful decrees from our latest book, The Power of a Fearless Voice, concerning overcoming the power of fear and maximizing your voice in the earth. Just as you would a doctor’s prescription, we encourage you to declare them three times a day for the next seven days and watch the power of God’s Word destroy the fear in your life.

—God has not given me the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.

—I will move forward in faith through obedience, and I will not allow fear to hold me back.

—I will allow God to use my voice to bring change, healing, deliverance and breakthrough when I speak.

—I will not listen to fear, I will not focus on fear and I will not allow fear to enter my mind. I will cast it down and prevent it from exalting itself against the knowledge of God in my life.

—Fear will not silence me; I will release my voice and boldly speak the heart of God.

—My voice is a weapon against the forces of darkness.

—My voice is powerful.

—My voice is bold.

—My voice is rare.

—My voice is significant.

—My voice is unique.

—My voice is creative.

—My voice is triumphant.

—My voice is victorious.

—My voice is fearless. {eoa}

To read more about overcoming the lies of the enemy, check out our new e-book The Spiritual Warfare Strategy Guide for only $0.99.

LaJun and Valora Cole are a ministry power-team based in Tampa, Florida, where they serve as global senior pastors of Contagious Church with campuses in Florida (Tampa, Tallahassee and Jacksonville) and North Carolina (Charlotte). LaJun and Valora are published authors of several books, including Sudden Breakthrough and their latest release, The Power of a Fearless Voice. Their mission is to inspire, encourage and empower people around the world to discover, develop and deploy their God-given potential, purpose and destiny. Visit and listen to their weekly podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network titled “Prophetic Moments with LaJun & Valora.”

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