Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How You Can Foil the Plot Against Your Life

Charisma Media archives

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”

Jesus warned us that we have an enemy, and he is a thief. He steals our joy, purpose, peace and, if he can, our future.

Jesus knew it was important to warn us about our adversary. Knowing an enemy is not enjoyable, but that information is essential to have the abundant life that Jesus promised us.

When discussing a plot against our life, I refer to a scheme. A scheme is a systematic plan to hurt and keep you from your purpose. Schemes are individually customized. As we see in this scripture, “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper (Isa. 54:17); weapons have been formed to hurt us. But God promises they will not prosper.

I want to remind you that many of God’s promises have conditions. Just as the Lord did with the Israelites when He promised them victory, He also told them they would have to fight.

Yes, the weapons will not prosper, but we must exercise our God-given authority to overcome the weapon. The first crucial thing is to be aware when a scheme is in operation.

Remember, a scheme is a plan. It is the method that Satan wants to use to cause you harm. It is customized, and unfortunately you are the target.

I have had a scheme that I have fought for many years. I struggled with this overwhelming sense that I did not matter very much. This negative core belief was reinforced through many things that happened to me as a child. It was confirmed by what should have happened and did not.

I heard and felt this message repeated over and over again throughout my life. The messengers were well-meaning friends, teachers, coaches and even my family. I struggled to prove that I had worth and value for many years.

The overall message was the same in every circumstance I was involved in, job, or relationship; I did not matter. It even played out in college, sports and business. It was an evil, insidious scheme against my life. However, when I became aware of the plot, I became able to focus spiritual warfare against it, find the truth and get free. My friends, there is a scheme against your life; to be ignorant of it is unbiblical. “So that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes” (2 Cor. 2:11).

 You can identify a scheme because it repeats itself consistently throughout your personal history. Through my study and experience, I have labeled many of these schemes.

Typical schemes are rejection, fear, abandonment, worthlessness, anxiety, rebellion and the big one, illegitimacy. Identifying and understanding these schemes is critical to victory. The apostle Paul clarified that our battle is not against flesh and blood. It is a spiritual battle. But the Lord has given us victory by giving us the authority over the devil.

Throughout history, military commanders have strived to understand the enemy’s plans. A commander knew that if he understood his enemy’s plans, he could get the jump on him and defeat him. The same principle applies to Christians.

I encourage you to take a look at your history. Is there a negative message that seems to be reinforced throughout your life that you have struggled to overcome?

A scheme is very discouraging and can feel like an awful repeating pattern that continually batters you. When we gain awareness of a scheme coming from Satan, we can submit to God and resist him, and he will flee from us and we have victory.

The Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made (see Psalm 139:14). Our purpose is to glorify God and live and do what He created us to do. Satan’s goal is to stop us.

When you identify your scheme, you can decide you will no longer receive that message. Then you can resist the scheme, rebuke the plan and stop it in the name of Jesus Christ.

Do not let the devil steal your joy, peace, abundance or purpose. {eoa}

Dr. Ray Self is the founder of Spirit Wind Ministries Inc. and the International College of Ministry. He holds a doctorate in Christian Psychology and a doctorate in Theology. He presently has two podcasts about the plot against your life: The Plot Against Your Life, and The Plot Against Your Life Part 2. He offers courses concerning schemes available at the International College of Ministry. Contact Dr. Self at [email protected]. You can purchase Dr. Self’s books, Redeeming Your Past and Finding Your Promised Land and Hear His Voice, Be His Voice at

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