Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How to Find Victory in the Battle for Your Breakthrough

As a Christian, you have heard the term “breakthrough” preached and taught many times. Sometimes the word can become cliché. However, the reality is the devil puts obstacles in your way. He tries to hinder you simply because you are a child of God, and there’s a plan for your life. Many believers are unaware of this war, and therefore, they try to fight the battle naturally. They live a life of frustration. They think, Why does this stuff keep happening to me? They use expressions like, “It must be Murphy’s law or bad karma.” Such concepts are entirely unscriptural. We live in a natural realm and a spiritual realm simultaneously. To be unaware of the impact of the spiritual realm in our everyday lives is foolishness.

The mission of the devil is simple. God has a plan for your life, and Satan wants to stop it. His weapons are man and, unfortunately, customized for you. To break through, you must be aware of Satan’s plans or schemes against you and know how to counterattack. You do not have to fight this battle if you do not want to, but the consequence is a life of frustration and failure.

Dr. Ray Self discusses these hindrances but, more importantly, how to live in victory on Self Talk on the Charisma Podcast Network. There are skills that you need to break through. It is more than just rebuking the devil. It involves persistence, determination and complete reliance on the power of God working through you. It consists of taking authority and using the power that God has placed within you. God will not do something for you that He has given you charge to do. That would be enabling.

In Episodes 45 and 46 of Self Talk, Dr. Self gives you a clear pathway to break down these walls and move on to what God has for you. The benefits are enormous. The consequences of failure are dire. The apostle John gave us this final encouragement knowing what we would face for generations to come. 1 John 4:4 says, “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” {eoa}

Dr. Ray Self is the president of the International College of Ministry. Get a Spirit-filled accredited online college degree: Apply now at

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