Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How This Supernatural Calling Empowers You to Overcome Demonic Harassment

In today’s culture, news and fake news hit us almost everywhere we turn. And many people believe everything they read—except the Word of God.

“You believe all the stuff that you read online, but you don’t believe the stuff that’s in the Word of God,” says revivalist Isaiah Saldivar on the Revival Lifestyle podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. “You read CNN, you read Fox News, you read fake Facebook articles, and then you read your Bible, and you believe all of the hoaxes and conspiracies and this and that … the earth is flat and aliens are coming. You have all these ideas, and then you read your Bible and say, ‘I don’t really know about all that,” he says.

Saldivar adds that people seem to have trouble accepting the authority of Scripture when it comes to the supernatural. But God has a message for us. “Now is the time that the kingdom has come,” Saldivar says. “Now is the time to break out of every demonic harassment, to see and understand that the enemy has tried to harass you. He’s trying to get you to slow down. He’s trying to get you to quit. He’s trying to discourage you and get you to give up.”

Saldivar explains that in the book of Acts, Satan attacked the disciples “because they were establishing a new supernatural kingdom on the earth.” And that assignment, he says, has not changed. “When you’re at work, you’re not bringing a fire to your local church. You’re bringing a supernatural kingdom that is on the inside of you, that is waiting to be released. And that kingdom is a culture. It’s a lifestyle. God is establishing a supernatural kingdom; your mission on this earth is not to get out of bed for a career. It’s to get out of bed for a calling. And your calling is where could I establish the kingdom of God?”

Saldivar says that as we establish the kingdom of God, we use his authority to bring healing, cast out demons and more. “Jesus was saying, ‘I want you to make your sphere of influence your atmosphere,'” he says. “I want you to make it just like it is up in heaven. So if there [are] no people who have demons in heaven, then I want to make your sphere of influence demon-free.”

To hear more teaching from Saldivar on how to make your sphere of influence free of demonic harassment, listen to the entire podcast here. {eoa}

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