How New-Age Mindsets Are Sweeping America

In America, it’s not hard to find people drawn into New Age beliefs. Even in the Deep South, often referred to as the Bible Belt, people grab onto strange beliefs contrary to the Word of God. As I recall the many conversations I’ve had with people while evangelizing, it’s obvious Satan has a masterplan for destroying souls. It’s very personal to me because I was one who got entangled in the occult at an early age.

One of the most devious things I have seen is people who grew up in Christian households, who professed Christ at one point, mixing in doctrines of devils with their beliefs. This mixing often manifests itself into embracing false religions, the occult, strange teachings and many other unrighteous things. Scripture is clear that there is no mixing of the light and the dark, yet many have taken this path. The saddest part of it all is that when people go this route, they find it very difficult to escape. Confusion, intimidation, pride, fear and lust create a difficult barrier to those who would dare try to break free, and many times they give up.

In one of my recent podcast episodes, I spoke with a well known New Age teacher who was delivered by the power of Jesus Christ. One of the main subjects we discussed is how Satan pulls in the unsuspecting and propels them forward for his purposes. One of the more powerful things she said was that while she was going through much pain and affliction, Jesus Christ never gave up on her. Make sure you check out Escaping The New Age Deception on the Kingdom Authority with James Alford podcast on Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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