Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How Dying to Your Flesh Helps You Defeat the Devil

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh” (2 Cor. 10:3).

In this episode of The Power of Intimacy With Christ on the Charisma Podcast Network, I share some key points on how to win battles when in spiritual warfare and the significance of discerning the adversary who fights against our faith in God.

The devil is always trying to take our confidence in God through his strategic efforts to make us doubt God and lean on our own carnal understanding. He knows we can’t win when we try and fight a spiritual battle in the flesh; the battle is only won through the power of God’s Spirit living in us. This episode provides key points for overcoming thoughts of fear and the doubt that try and capture our faith in God. You will take away keys for victory and winning the battle against the flesh and the enemy of your soul.

I’ve continually overcome in spiritual warfare using my faith and have years of experience to share. I equip others with practical principles and biblical knowledge for living the God-life possible by faith in the Word and in Jesus’ name. Living in the privilege of what Jesus provided is a choice, and I push believers to embrace the authority we have been given and to actualize it for living the victorious life God gifted us with. I proclaim that in intimacy with Christ is the safehouse for overcoming life difficulties, spiritual warfare and the doubt that entraps our minds, cheating us out of the liberation made possible in Christ.

I know that relationship with God empowers the whole life and provides a solid foundation for understanding and successfully possessing the promises of biblical text. Relationship with God is necessary for access to the resources of God for being victorious in spiritual warfare and leading to the victorious relational life promised in biblical text, as well as overcoming all that opposes our faith in Christ (see 2 Cor. 10:3).

An open and intentional effort to discern God’s voice leads to the abundant life in Christ and victory over the devil who wars against us. For additional information on this topic, check out my article titledDefeating Fear” and listen to the full episode of The Power of Intimacy With Christ on the Charisma Podcast Network now. {eoa}

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