Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Finding Personal Peace in Times of Coronavirus Panic

There are few things I have seen more magnified in the media than the coronavirus. News stations, businesses, and the government are in utter chaos.

Grocery stores across the country are filled with men and women scrambling to gather toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and pantry staples before the next person gets them. People everywhere are being driven with fear.

Virus or no virus, all this panic is unhelpful, unnecessary, and frankly, unbiblical. It is time believers choose whose voice they will pursue: the father of lies or the Prince of peace.

Do I mean to say that we should not use wisdom and act as if this virus does not exist? No. But we cannot allow ourselves to be consumed with anxiety or fear when we have the promises of God for healing, protection, and peace.

One of the devil’s killer tactics is to amplify things in our mind, to get us so focused on something that it begins to become bigger than our God and His Word. If we are not careful to turn off the enemy’s megaphone, what begins as seemingly justifiable concern over the possibility of an illness ends up in crippling fear, anxiety, and insecurity.

This is precisely what he did to Eve in the garden. When Satan came to tempt Eve, she gave an ear to his voice, and in short order, it drowned out the truth God Himself had shared with her. Instead of realizing she had an entire garden from which to feast, Eve let that serpent magnify the one tree that she could not eat from. Before long, her desire for the fruit of that tree became bigger than God’s own words to her (Gen. 3:1–6).

As believers in Christ, Satan has no authority over us. We do not have to listen to his voice. We do not have to allow situational uncertainty to make us feel our future is on shaky ground. We do not have to be a part of the panic.

Instead, we can choose to rest in the peace that passes all understanding (Phil. 4:7). We can set our eyes on Jesus and His Word and tune our ears to hear His voice alone. I recommend you start with Psalm 91:1–4 (nlt). It is an extraordinary scripture to meditate on and remind ourselves of during times like this.

“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust Him. For He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

Even in the midst of a pandemic, you are protected by the God who created the universe and designed you with purpose. Even surrounded by panic, you can be filled with peace.

The Word of God is anointed, powerful, has authority, and is stronger than any of the enemy’s attempts to confuse and derail you. In this season and others, rest in your Almighty God and meditate on His Word. That is what will anchor you and give you abundant peace in even the toughest of circumstances.

You’re beautiful. I see Jesus in you.

Have a great week!

Mikel French has challenged spiritual awakening all across America, where many celebrations extended into multiple weeks, and has conducted celebrations in France, Sweden, Russia, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, Germany, South Africa, Malawi, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Haiti, Japan, Singapore, India and Thailand. He conducted an outreach celebration in Manila, Philippines, reaching 200,000 teenagers with the book of hope. Through the generous support of partners, he has presented the message of Jesus Christ to millions of people in the nation of Russia through televised citywide soul-winning celebrations. Mikel considers it an honor to assist in conducting the annual pastor’s conference, where thousands of pastors from Russia’s 11 time zones come for training, teaching and equipping. Mikel and his wife, Marsha, reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

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