Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Deliverance Minister: How Healing Manifests in Your Body as You Speak Out

You’ve prayed for healing and haven’t experienced the manifestation. Have you considered or thought about praying differently?

Recently, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and encouraged me to bring forth the ministry of physical healing along with deliverance. We spend most of our lives either pulling forth our deliverance or calling forth our healing, but we don’t release the ministry of healing and deliverance together.

When we look at the Gospels, Jesus released healing and deliverance together. He cast out the demons and healed the sick. He called out demonic spirits, which brought forth physical healing for the people in which He ministered. He addressed the demon behind sickness, and He spoke to and eradicated the infirmity.

Are you pressing through to your breakthrough to no avail? Have you tried to pray and call forth your healing, but you still aren’t overcoming and walking in victory? Step back for a moment and evaluate how you are praying and what you are praying to manifest your healing. Does it align with the Gospels and the ways Jesus ministered inner healing and deliverance? Could there be something you could do differently?

Speaking out and declaring audibly is how Jesus released His authority over sickness and disease. Jesus came to earth to model how to release the kingdom and manifest healing, deliverance and miracles. If we spent more time learning from the ministry of Jesus and exuding our authority the same way He did, I believe many more of us could be in health. Jesus spoke to things. What are you speaking to? Are you speaking about your disease more than you are speaking to your sickness? Are you pressing through to your breakthrough or becoming stagnant and passive in the waiting?

Healing manifests when we go back to the Gospels and pray for it to come forth according to the Gospels. Jesus spoke to things. Jesus released His authority! Jesus believed in faith He would see the manifestation. Do you believe in the very thing in which you are speaking? Do you believe for everybody else but not yourself? Are you diligent to seek the Word of God for divine instructions and revelation on the ministry of healing?

Jesus came and died, so you could have life and have it abundantly. That means you should have abundant life without physical infirmities, sicknesses and disease. You are created to live whole and complete. Begin walking out your healing today.

Listen to my seven-part podcast series at to help you manifest your healing. The Holy Spirit is healing and wants you well. I believe this is a kairos moment and season for many of you.

Recently, the Holy Spirit spoke to me about how to release and bring to the forefront the ministry of physical healing and deliverance. Healing and deliverance manifest by speaking out the power of our words. We must speak out, decree and declare to see the full manifestation of our healing. Receiving what we have been hoping and praying for isn’t going to come by mousy prayers. We need to get fierce in our prayer time because the enemy comes to get violent against us, and we must arise and be intense in our prayer time to bind and restrict the violence coming against us.

There was a man I prayed for once who was in extreme pain following surgery. The doctors could not figure out why he was in pain. He came to my conference in tears because of the pain. This man was big, burly and timid. His friend dragged him to the altar. I prayed for him, and he received some relief but was not totally healed. I had to move on after a while to the next person in my prayer line.

Therefore, I left him with some intercessors I knew to pray in the Spirit while he decreed and declared out against his condition. Several minutes later, I glanced over and saw him crying in celebration. I went over and asked what was going on. He said, “In all my affliction, I never spoke out. I never prayed audibly and spoke to my condition. Now, I have done this for 15 minutes, and I am totally healed.”

Not only did he receive his healing that day, but several years later, I heard his testimony again as he told me his pain never came back.

What do you need to speak out and declare into the spiritual realm? What do you need to take action with to see a spiritual and natural result? Speak out, decree and manifest your healing as this man did! Learn more about praying audibly through my book, Speak Out, available at {eoa}

Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic deliverance minister. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and K Advancement LLC. Kathy hosts a podcast show called Prophetic Spiritual Warfare. She is the author of several books; Prophetic Spiritual Warfare, Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, and Unshackled. She is empowering people and setting the captives free through her many e-courses at You can connect with Kathy on Facebook at or visit

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