Wed. Sep 11th, 2024

Curt Landry Says Believers Must Be Watchmen on the Wall for America

Unfortunately, and with the continued progress of technology, identity theft has become a major issue for people around the world in recent years. Many unwittingly have their lives stolen from them every day.

But while identity theft sneaks up on individuals, Curt Landry says, the identity theft of this country has come with the full knowledge of many Americans. The founder of Curt Landry Ministry says the enemy has stolen America’s Christian foundation and heritage and has made a country its founding fathers would not recognize.

That’s what makes next Tuesday’s presidential election the most crucial one in history, and Landry says Christians have to take a stand to preserve our status as one nation under God and to put the enemy in its place.

“There are some real core values of the United States, and that’s why it is so important for people to vote for, to stand for, our biblical and constitutional rights,” Landry told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “What happens is they are tied to the security of our identity as a melting pot and as a nation.”

And with issues like abortion, racism, human trafficking and sexual perversion continually haunting the soul of our nation, Landry says, as believers, we must be the “watchmen on the wall.”

“Our job is to keep what was and what is and what is to come according to what God is doing. And God says we have to keep that in the forefront of every hour, every day. That is our job and, if we become silent, the enemy wins.

“If the watchman doesn’t sound the alarm, then the blood is on the watchman’s hands. There has to be a ‘not on my watch’ mentality, and this is what we do. This is our identity. It’s about having a covenant kingdom identity.

“The United States of America needs to rise up like Donald Trump did with COVID. He got hit really hard, he went in, they gave him medicine and he came out stronger than ever. We need, as a nation, to come out like John the Baptist. We need to come out as one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way for the Lord and prepare to make America great again.”

For more on the restoration of the identity of our nation, listen to the entire podcast here. {eoa}

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