Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Are You Unwittingly Cursing Your Destiny?

The spoken word is powerful. When God formed the earth, He spoke it into existence (Gen. 1). When Jesus saw that the fig tree wasn’t bearing any fruit, He spoke against it, and it died (Mark 11:12-14). When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days, he addressed the devil with the spoken word by saying ‘as it is written’ (Matt 4:1-11). So why do so many of us keep speaking against the very things God told us to do?  We are created in the image of God. Our words hold power. Life and death are in the power of the tongue (Prov. 18:21).

I had a divine encounter with God when I was 12 in which He called me into ministry. God told me to write my first book when I was 16. The idea of writing a book seemed crazy to me. I had never been a person who was known for my writing. However, as time moved forward, I knew that I knew it was what God was telling me to do. I began to grow very frustrated because I knew I couldn’t write a book. So out of my mouth I kept professing I couldn’t do it, yet I knew God was calling me to do it. I grew very frustrated.

About five years later, when my husband and I found ourselves across the country and attending a church we knew God had called us to. I was still wrestling with the idea of ever writing a book. A woman was preaching on the power of the spoken word. I had never heard this type of preaching before this time. Out of the unction of the Holy Spirit, she began to prophesy that “some in that service were cursing their very destines, because the very thing they knew God had called them to do, they kept professing they couldn’t do it.” I knew that was me. I went down before the platform and repented. That night, God dropped in my spirit on how to start my first book. Today, though not all are published, I am working on my 26th book. I know it’s a God thing.

How many of you reading this now know you’re called to do something yet still hang on to your own thinking and lingering spoken words that “you can’t”? The Bible says that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Phil. 4:13). It doesn’t matter what you think you can’t do. You are just the vessel. God can do it through you.

Here are some things you must remember:

  • Repent for speaking against the very thing you know God has called you to do.
  • Ask the Lord to move your own fears, doubts and abilities aside and use you
  • Remember it’s not you, and it’s not all about you. God has destiny inside of His people, and there are people that need to hear your story, and see what God does through you. Let God use you as His vessel.
  • Be determined. I have people come and talk to me often about writing, and I always ask them, where is the manuscript?  So often people want God to move in their lives, but aren’t doing the things they need to do in order to get there. If God has called you to write a book, then write it. If He has called you to start a business, then do it. If He’s equipped you to invent the newest greatest invention, then do it! 
  • Stop procrastinating. Life is too short to keep putting things off. Run the race God has set before you. Even if your schedule is crazy and you can only give this vision He gave you 10 minutes a day, then give it that. So many people want these awesome blessings God wants them to have in life, but they won’t put their hands to the plow. Destiny is always worth it.
  • Don’t step into pride. Realize that it’s the talents and abilities God is giving you, and you have to stay humble.
  • God will open the doors that you need to open when it’s His timing, but you have to do what God has called you to do so that you’re ready.

No matter where you are in your journey towards the destiny God has on your life, keep running that race and walking the walk. You have to see yourself in the places He has for you. You have to get off the couch of life, and start doing the things He has set on your heart to do. This is not about a works mentality, but it is about you coming in agreement with God’s plan for your life and blazing a trail. You must start speaking the Word of God over this race. Speak life to it, and watch what God does! {eoa}

Anna M. Aquino is a published author, guest minister and prophetic voice. Her books Cursing the Church or Helping It?Confessions of a Ninja Mom and An Ember In Time are available wherever books are sold. Marriage in Time is set to release in July of 2017. Please feel free to check out her website at

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