Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Are You Stuck in Your Comfort Zone?

In the difficult circumstances and seasons of our lives, it’s easy to feel like we’re in a crisis and spinning out of control. Our perspective in these situations is so important.

What if you viewed every crisis as an opportunity for growth? The key is surrendering your control to the one who is in control of it all—Jesus.

A commonly used illustration in the life-coaching community is one of four zones: the comfort zone, anxiety zone, learning zone and growth zone. The comfort zone is a place where you are in control. A place where you feel safe and confident. The anxiety zone is a place where you feel out of control.

In this zone, your insecurities and fear begin controlling you. This is the place where many of us panic and try to retreat back to our comfort zone to regain a sense of security, but the anxiety zone is where God does his best work in us! Although this zone is uncomfortable, it is the place where God stretches your capacity and allows you to grow deeper in relationship with Him.

However, He can only do this if you submit your will to Him and allow Him to be in control. You have to learn to trust Him.

The learning zone is where you acquire new skills and perspectives as a result of persevering through the challenging season. In this place, you learn new things about yourself as God draws new strengths out of you! The growth zone is where you see your transformation. As you learn to trust God more, your comfort zone is extended, and you develop new strengths and confidence in Him. When you look back on your journey, you will realize that God has grown something in your heart, soul and mind. You’re a new creation in Him. All of this became possible because you surrendered control and allowed Him to work in you.

Our comfort zones keep us confined and imprisoned in what we know rather than allowing us to grow and discover that God has more for us than we even realize. When you step out, it may feel uncomfortable and even scary, but remember that your heavenly Father is always in control. His perfect love drives out any fear and anxiety you may feel. So when it feels like life has thrown you a curveball, ask yourself this simple question: Who is in control? The answer is always Jesus.

Tune into this episode of Transform Your Life with Steve Chua titled “Are You Stuck in Your Comfort Zone?” on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Steve Chua works globally as a pastor, counselor and executive life and leadership coach. His message helps people discover their God-given design and employ strategies to reject false mindsets so that they can live with the success, joy and fulfillment they were created for. Steve resides in Claremont, California, and has been married to his beautiful wife Barbara for over 29 years. Together, they have five incredible kids.

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