Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Acts 19:13-14 God is not the author of confusion. Satan is. We learn this in this chapter in Acts. Wherever idols are worshiped or participation in the occult is present, there is confusion because the author of confusion is on the scene.

Several Jews in Ephesus who were not sincere believers in Jesus Christ took it upon themselves to try to deliver a man vexed with an evil spirit. The demon in the man recognized that these seven men did not have the authority of Jesus Christ or the power of the Holy Spirit. The evil spirit spoke through the man saying, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?” The man under the influence of this demon then became violent and attacked the seven men, who fled naked from the scene. The news of this encounter spread throughout the city of Ephesus, and many became believers because of the very testimony of an evil spirit. That evil spirit acknowledged that he knew Jesus. This is a great example of how often the weapons the enemy sends against us do not prosper and are turned back upon him. Many were led to confess their involvement with Satan through certain practices, and they came forward and burned their curious books and other occult items.

The whole city became stirred, and many were confused. The confusion came because so many in the city were in idolatry. They worshiped the goddess Diana, and this opened the door for many evil spirits to influence and confuse the people. My youngest son was in confusion for a period of time in his life, and it was because he had opened the door to Satan through listening to rock music, which led to doing drugs. Later, however, my son recognized his sin and confessed and renounced these practices, and the door to Satan was shut. The confusion left him, and he was delivered from drugs. He now is a missionary to Hungary.

Are you confused today? Ask the Lord if you have opened the door to the author of confusion through dabbling in the occult. Maybe you used to read the horoscope daily or played with a Ouija board. Perhaps you went to a fortuneteller just in fun. These practices need to be confessed as sin and renounced, and when you do this, you will no longer have a door open to confusion. You can look forward to clarity of mind and peace of mind and heart.

Lord, show me if I have opened the door to Satan through things I did in the past. I want to confess and renounce these things and close the door to Satan and his demonic spirits of confusion.

READ: 1 Kings 15:1-16:20; Acts 19:13-14; Psalm 147:1-20; Proverbs 18:4-5

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