Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And these signs shall follow them that believe. —Mark 16:17

Many people today have an intellectual faith and a historical faith. They believe. Well, the devils believe and tremble. Belief is one thing, but faith is another. “The letter killeth; the Spirit giveth life.” If the truth is hid, it is hid to those who are lost.

We may have intellectual imaginations, go through a course of study, and learn the doctrines of men. However, no one but the Holy Ghost can even give us knowledge of “the things of God.” They seem foolishness to the natural man. Sometimes the Holy Ghost gives a spirit of laughter, and sometimes one of weeping, with everyone in the place being affected by the Spirit.

I have stood before thousands of people, and could not speak, just weep. When I was able to see, people were weeping everywhere. That is one way the Holy Ghost works. I have stood for an hour with my hand raised, held by the mighty power of God. When I came to myself and saw the people, their faces were shining.

God moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. He is the God I worship. Jesus says, “Behold I and the children which God hath given me” (Heb. 2:13). We believe in signs and wonders, not from beneath but from above. We are a people to be wondered at. We are a sign among the people.

Lord, through Your power make of me a
sign to others, pointing to You. Amen.

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