Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Satanist, Suicidal Woman Among Hundreds Redeemed Through God Behind Bars

Prisoner getting baptized (Screenshot, CBN News)

God Behind Bars is sharing more amazing stories about how God is touching hearts and changing lives to set hundreds of prisoners free, including the story of a prisoner who had turned away from worshipping Satan by giving his life to Jesus Christ.

“I’ve seen the glory of God,” inmate Daniel told the ministry. “There is nobody greater. There is nobody more powerful, nobody more dangerous, which is good when you need a warrior on your side. He is a man of battle, for real.”

The former gang member told God Behind Bars he is “all in about Jesus,” but that wasn’t always the story. 

“About a year ago is when God took me out of the satanic cult,” he shared. “I had been with the Lord before that, but I backslid and wasn’t involved in church anymore, so it was an accident that I became part of [the cult] when I was trying to learn deeper things.”

“[But] I’ve never seen anything better than what the Lord has revealed to me now,” Daniel added. 

“We create satellite campuses in prisons and our whole mission is to introduce inmates to Jesus,” Isaac Holt, Director of Innovation for God Behind Bars, told CBN News. 

In 2021, the ministry released its PandoApp – a faith-based app, that gives prisoners access to worship music and sermons on a tablet. 

The ministry’s goal to win souls for the Kingdom of God is exploding into an ongoing outreach that is providing hope in a dark place. 

Former inmate Shannon was in her cell preparing to hang herself, but a care package she received from God Behind Bars made her rethink her decision. 

“Shannon prayed a final prayer asking for a sign for her to live,” the ministry explained. “Suddenly, she heard a knock on her cell. The knock was a God Behind Bars volunteer.”

The volunteer told her, “Shannon when you get out of here we have a care package for you to come and grab. We can’t wait to see you.”

Shannon wept knowing that God heard her prayer. 

The young woman began to attend services through the ministry and eventually gave her life to Jesus Christ. 

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