Rod Parsley Asks, ‘Is Your Church a House of Prayer?’

The stunning message Jesus delivered is that when two or more (two being the smallest number possible for agreement) believers come together in unified faith, they jointly operate in multiplied levels of authority. From our earthly position, we wield mighty influence in heaven. Believers together have the ability to direct divine activity.

This is judicial, law-enforcement jurisdiction from the high court of heaven bestowing the capacity to both “bind” and “loose.” This is divine authorization to bind sin, deception, ungodliness, sickness and the combined effects of Adam’s fall. It is the supreme permission and directive to loose angelic hosts and to loose humanity from their prisons of darkness; the capability to loose protection and provision, healing and deliverance from sin, sickness and Satan, from demons, depravity and disease. Perhaps most importantly, it is the unction and anointing to produce the awakening we ache for.

This is precisely what I witnessed over and over in my youth, and what I witness today in the congregation that is my profound privilege to serve as pastor. This privilege is presented according to the testimony of Jesus to “two or more.” Two is good, but more is better!

This compounds the calamity that so few churches ever gather for the express purpose of unifying in prayer in this day of prime opportunity. I’ve said it before, but praying churches are an endangered species. Few today can muster more than a handful of elderly widowed women for a season of prayer for revival or any other purpose.

Churches have traded seasons of travailing, repentant prayer for trendy self-improvement sessions or fashion shows and healthy-living pyramids of all stripes. To our deep shame, the modern church has abandoned tarrying in the holy presence of God in favor of hosting dating mixers for singles and wine tastings for empty nesters.

Did the Lord Christ Himself not inquire loudly in righteous anger proper to His outrage only days before lying down on that cruel, biting beam, that cross, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations?’” (Mark 11:17). There is no satisfactory substitute for the united prayer of agreement and Holy Ghost supplication rising to heaven from God’s saints.

Prayer and prayer alone will generate an authentic move of God. We have become indifferent, uncaring and unconcerned about those around us facing eternity in hell. Only prayer will cure that indifference. By the way, when did you last get on your knees and petition heaven for a gut-wrenching, sleep-depriving burden for your lost and dying family? That same Holy Ghost intercession in agreement will bring relief of that burden by moving heaven to release God’s convicting revival.

Might I be so bold as to ask: What emphasis does leadership in your church place on prayer? I have heard it said that the typical American evangelical pastor—even a pastor with tens of thousands hanging on his every word—spends on average around half an hour each day in prayer.

I shudder to compare the true figure regarding the amount of time our pastoral shepherds spend each day on social media. Just a thought to ponder…if this is the pitiful reality of those gracing our pulpits, then what of those in our pews? Even more pointedly, what of you?

Renewing prayer is key number one in my Twelve Keys to Revival:

  1. Renew prayer
  2. Rediscover the Word
  3. Revive Bible doctrine
  4. Reintroduce conviction and repentance
  5. Rebuild the altars
  6. Remove idols
  7. Restrain false doctrine
  8. Restore God in government
  9. Return God to the education system
  10. Reassemble the people of God
  11. Reactivate biblical praise and worship
  12. Release financial abundance

Given the promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14, how could any true shepherd or leader not submerge every biblical and gospel-minded preaching opportunity, as well as every plan and project, in layers of prayer upon prayer? I call every pastor who truly believes what is written in the Bible, which is his only foundation, to gather his fold for regular seasons and spontaneous occasions of Holy Ghost–orchestrated intercession! {eoa}

This excerpt was taken from Rod Parsley’s Revival If (Charisma House, 2022). For more information or to order the book, visit

Rod Parsley is the author of more than 70 books, including his New York Times best seller, Culturally Incorrect, and his most recent, The Finale: One World, One Ruler, One Reign. He is an international speaker, a frequent guest on numerous media outlets and the host of the daily television broadcast Breakthrough With Rod Parsley, viewed by millions worldwide. He is the founder and senior pastor of World Harvest Church, a thriving multi-campus church headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. He has founded and oversees various ministries, including Valor Christian College, Bridge of Hope missions and City Harvest Network.

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