Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

You Weren’t Made to Fit in With the World—Or the Church

Do you know what the great thing about you is?  You were created wonderful and unique (Ps. 139:14). God made you different!. He made you peculiar (Deut. 14:2).

Somehow the church has moved into copying the world’s view. We take from it and try to fit our God in it. God gave us creativity to exemplify His glory. Yet we, the body of Christ feel the need to fit in.

We repeat the world’s slogans. We emulate its style. We follow its trends instead of setting our own. It’s as if we are not cool unless we do so. But what is cool? Isn’t all what God has done from the beginning of time cool? The fact that our Father heals the sick, raises the dead, performs miracles and so much more, isn’t that cool?

The enemy loves to distract God’s people with glitter, but all glitter is not gold. I used to feel weird for being different and even when I thought I was finally connected with others I thought would understand me, they didn’t, especially in the church. It’s OK to embrace your differences. It’s OK to be unique. So what? You say it differently. So what? You see it differently. It’s OK!

You know why? Because you are a peculiar people. you were uniquely, wonderfully made by the mighty hands of God.

Be the kingdom.Live the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven! {eoa}

Gina R. Prince is an apostle of the gospel of Jesus Christ. She has a podcast show called “The Keys Against the Enemy” on Connect with Gina on Instagram and Twitter @ginarprince as well as Facebook at “The Keys Against The Enemy.” Visit her website at

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