Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. —John 3:17

Go back to the purity of the first hour you knew Jesus-.-.-.-when you wanted everyone in the world to have a chance to feel what you felt and know what you knew.

Keep that hunger and that purity that reaches out a hand and says, “I’ll pray for you. I’ll believe God for your miracle.” We are the only hope to evangelize this world. We are the generation destined to reach out in this last hour to the depraved and the destitute with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ. From the uttermost to the guttermost, take a stand and declare, “This is the Bible, and it is the answer for everything!”

We are all called to be witnesses, and God has given us an anointing and a calling to reach the lost. People are hungry to know God, and you have the answer (1 Peter 3:15).

If someone asked you about Jesus, could you lead them to salvation in Christ Jesus? If you answered “yes,” then pray for wisdom in saying the right thing. If you said “no,” then go to a pastor, evangelist, teacher, or another Christian brother and sister and learn how to share the gospel with the unsaved. Get equipped to take the Good News to everyone you know.

Equip me to witness, Lord Jesus. Teach me through
Your Spirit and the lives of other believers how
to lead others to Jesus effectively. Amen.

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