Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

You Don’t Need a Prophet. You Need God.

I have not been sharing prophetic words publicly for very long but I’ve noticed a pattern that concerns me. I have received many messages from people asking for a specific word from God that will fix their problems. Now I’m not against sharing words from God; I’m also not against people asking for a definitive word in their lives. However, I think we fall into a trap when we think the only way we can hear from God is through a prophet.

Sometimes the people that ask me for a word are mainly looking for confirmation of something they have already heard from the Holy Spirit. Other times, they are simply needing to get outside their own heads and hear God through someone else. These are perfectly normal motivations but sometimes people approach me with the attitude that if I don’t share something with them, they have no hope. I’m not saying this judgmentally but I am saddened when this happens.

Hearing through a prophet is meant to be one way we communicate with God but it’s not meant to be the only way. In fact, God desires each believer to hear personally from Him on a regular basis. If you’re not there yet, don’t feel discouraged. We are all in process still. My point is that our expectations matter when it comes to hearing from God. If we only expect Him to speak through a “gifted” person, then we limit our relationship with God to something that is worked out through a third party.

God wants to get personal with you and me. He wants us each to hear from Him in a way that makes sense to us and that we can rely on. He doesn’t want us to have to rely on a prophet for our manna — our word. Jesus Himself wants to be the daily word we are consuming.

Some times idolatry is the problem; other times, a sense of unworthiness is the issue. The answer to both of these things is grace.

Hebrews 4:16 (NASB) says, “Therefore let’s approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace for help at the time of our need.”

It doesn’t tell us to approach the throne of a prophet. Prophets are simply believers experiencing the grace of God. It also doesn’t tell us to grovel and cry before the throne. Instead, we are encouraged to confidently approach God personally because His grace qualifies us to receive from Him. Jesus’ work on the cross is the reason we can know God in an experiential way.

First Corinthians 14:5a says, “Now I wish that you all spoke in tongues, but rather that you would prophesy.”

Paul would not have wished all believers would prophesy if all believers could not prophesy. Within his statement is the implication that we can all hear from God, and he is appealing to us to believe and act on that knowledge. He is encouraging us to expect God to speak to us.

You do not need a prophet. You need to hear from God personally and you can. Don’t get me wrong; prophetic people are an essential part of church ministry and they are needed in the body of Christ. But I hope you hear my heart: God desires you to run to Him more than you run to someone He is using. He wants you to put your trust in Him, not in a person.

If you want to hear from God more clearly, I encourage you to pray this with me. “Jesus, I ask that You baptize me with Your Holy Spirit afresh and help me to surrender to the working of Your grace in my heart. Give me confidence to approach You based on what Jesus has done and not based on what I have done. Help me to walk in belief as I wait upon You in expectation. Amen.” {eoa}

Troy Black is a Christian Youtuber, author and prophetic voice. His ministry and life are led by two simple goals: to be obedient to the Holy Spirit and to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ in front of as many people as possible. You can find videos and other resources from troy at

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