Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole? —John 5:6

Jesus asked the man beside the Pool of Bethesda if he wanted to be made whole. This may seem to be an odd question, but it really is not. Many appear to be seeking a miracle, but do not really want a miracle. They have grown comfortable with their condition, enjoying their self-pity and the attention they receive. Or they may be wishing for a miracle, but don’t really expect one to come.

How long will you wait on the banks, while rivers of living water course past you? Say good-bye to sympathy and complacency. Cast aside the maybe, the perhaps, and the someday. Do not allow yourself to become an impotent Christian, lying by the water, too blind to see God, and with no power to overcome. What keeps you from reaching out to Jesus? Is it fear, shame, or laziness? Whatever it is, get over it! Go beyond yourself to the One who will make you whole—Jesus.

Take the initiative. Get to know Jesus. Get to know His Word. Stop waiting for a man to help you. Stretch out your hand, and allow Jesus to lift you up.

Jesus, I am getting up from where I am and overcoming
every obstacle for the sole purpose of being made
whole by You. Thank you for offering
to make me whole. Amen.

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