Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Why You Need to Stop the Christian Performance

woman wearing mask

Perhaps it was that there was no guile or deceit in David’s heart. It seems that he didn’t need to prove anything to himself or to others. David did not live for the praise of people–He lived for openness with God. He refused to hide his humanity from God by wrapping himself in a religious cloak.

I can almost hear you saying: “I want a heart like David’s–one after God’s own heart. But my personality won’t permit me to be so emotional. I tend to be more reserved and in control of my feelings. Can I still have that kind of relationship without all the hoopla?”

The answer is yes–when you allow God, who created you, to be your Master. This means that what He desires is what gives you the greatest pleasure.

It’s time to open the hidden areas of your life. Let Him know you, warts and all. You cannot shock Him. He sees and knows more about you than you know about yourself.

Get to know Him through His Word. Let the depths of His character touch the roots of your being. Let His unconditional love uproot your shame until your heart is overwhelmed with gratitude–then all that you do will become an act of worship, and your life will become a song of praise.

Break Out of the Trap!

Are you performing for God and other people in order to win acceptance and love? Here’s how you can escape this spiritual bondage:

1. Pour out your heart to God. Tell Him about all the times you’ve blown it. God is not shocked by our imperfections. “For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:14, NKJV). Honestly emptying yourself before Him and learning to rely on His grace as the basis of your acceptance will help you break the cycle of shame.

2. Renew your mind. Stop reading the Bible with the idea that God is mad at you. Read the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), and meditate on the fact that your heavenly Father loves you even when you stray from Him. Recognize that He wants to lavish His love on you in spite of your shortcomings and mistakes.

3. Submit to His surgery. Ask the Lord to show you areas in your heart where you are being religious and legalistic. Are you trying to prove your love for God by going to church, reading your Bible daily or overcomitting yourself to certain ministry activities? All these things are good, but we must do them from the proper motivation. Ask God to show you any wrong motives in your heart.

4. Get honest with a close friend. Share your struggle with a prayer partner. If you are hiding secret sins, being vulnerable about them with a trusted friend can bring healing and help develop humility. “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed” (James 5:16).

5. Lose yourself in worship. Transformation happens when we are with the Father. By simply spending time in His presence, and by listening to Him and obeying what He says, the Holy Spirit will produce the character of Christ in us. We can rest while He does the work! He redeems our broken lives, and then He works through us to help others.*

The late David Morris was a worship leader at Manna Fellowship in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and author of A Lifestyle of Worship (Renew).

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