Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Why Traditions May Be Hindering Your Relationship With God

How much of our lives as Christians is spent worshipping tradition?

Maybe you don’t put God first daily because you’re busy, but because He knows your heart you think it’s OK.

Or maybe you join in on the workplace gossip or crude jokes because you want to fit in while justifying it.

So many of us follow the traditions of man without noticing it. Traditions are not just customs. Traditions also include belief systems that are passed down from generation to generation. In Colossians 2:8, we are told to let go of the traditions of man. If we want to emulate Jesus, we can. God has put within us all we need to follow His Son’s footsteps. But we have to die to the world around us and choose to live for God.

Many of us feel depleted, tired and worn down when we don’t have to. Let’s learn what it means to give God our burdens and to carry His lighter and easier yoke. Let’s learn how to live in freedom.

Check out this episode of my podcast The Victory Is Greater Than the Struggle on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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