Why God’s Presence Changes Everything

One moment in the presence of the Almighty can radically alter our world. It dispels fear instantly, strengthens a weary soul and changes an eternal destination. How powerful is our God!

Look at the demon-possessed man who used to roam in the graveyard. One encounter with Jesus, and he was in his right mind (Mark 5:1-20). How about blind Bartimaeus? One moment with Jesus, and he regained his sight (Mark 10:46-52). Can you imagine the shame the adulteress felt in front of all the men who wanted to stone her? Shame—gone in one breath as Jesus forgave her (John 8:1-30). These examples are only a few of what happens in the presence of our King.

Do you know you can encounter His presence daily? Jesus said for all who are weary to come to Him, and He will give you rest (Matt. 11:28). In Him, great peace and refreshment are possible.

How do we enter His presence? The psalmist instructs us to enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise (Ps. 100:4). We need to thank the Lord for what He has done and what He will do. Then we need to praise Him for who He is. This can be done anytime, anywhere and any way. God inhabits the praises of His people. However, we must enter in faith. We must believe that God hears us and rewards us when we diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6). Not just a “Hi, God. How are you doing?” but a full-on pressing into Him, seeking His face. This takes consistency and vulnerability.

Today, encounter the presence of God. Go to Him. Thank Him and praise His holy name. Watch what will happen to your mind, body and spirit. Today is turnaround day. What you have been seeking and hoping for is found in His presence. The lady who was unclean pressed into the Lord’s presence to obtain her healing. You too can “press” into the Lord. Don’t allow distractions, doubt or duty to keep you from His presence. Be desperate to touch the hem of His garment. {eoa}

Dr. Kristi Lemley is a speaker, author, podcast host, professor and counselor. She is passionate about reigniting the fire in the hearts of believers to transform lives. She connects in a transparent way that breaks spiritual barriers so every person can walk out their purpose with the authority and power of God. Kristi is an ordained minister and speaks at churches, conferences and retreats nationally and internationally. She has authored two books, Transformed: Live God’s Best and ABLAZE: Prepare Your Heart for Revival.

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