Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

When Your Heart Is Broken, Cling to This

God will never leave you nor forsake you.

When I first came to Charisma Media in 2012, I wrote an article titled “Leave It All at God’s Feet.” The story shared my wife’s and my personal struggles with infertility. I invited those faced with the same issue to write me and share their story so we could pray for them and try to help them.

More than four years later, I continue to receive emails from readers. One I received this week from a woman in Norway touched me. She and her husband have suffered through seven years of infertility.

“I am desperate and somewhat depressed. Barrenness is like a filter over your whole being … My thoughts are that God might have a plan, higher and better than I could ever think of myself. … I would like to spend my life destroying barrenness because it kills your spirit, and God is about life, Hallelujah! I am greatly touched by your email.”

I answer each email. My wife, Patty, and I listen to God’s guidance to discern opportunities to minister to hurting couples.

Infertility is only one form of heartache that brings challenges to believers. My friend and Charisma columnist, Carol McLeod, recently wrote a heartfelt article titled “How Does a Believer Deal With a Broken Heart?” in which she quotes Psalm 147:3, “He heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds.” Carol reiterates that God knows of your pain, has heard your cries of desperation and wants to respond.

“If you have a broken heart, you can count on His presence and His closeness to bind up your wounds and to begin the healing process,” she says. “Do not push Him away at these moments of brokenness, but welcome Him gladly and receive the comfort that He has for you. So many Christians squeeze God out of their lives at the very time they need Him most desperately and when He has promised to stay close.”

God’s promise to stay close to you is only one of more than 7,000 He makes to His children in the Bible: “He will not fail you nor forsake you. Do not fear, nor be dismayed” (Deuteronomy 31:8b).

Cling to that, and you will never be alone. {eoa}

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