Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat—for he grants sleep to those he loves. —Psalm 127:1-2

When God is in something, He grants us success, and it comes easily.

This psalm tells us what God does when He says “Yes.”

First, He builds (v. 1). He supplies the energy and the materials. He supplies the labor and the success that had been so eluding. Things begin to happen—with ease.

Second, God watches (v. 1). It is a wonderful thing to know that God is looking after you. If God says “Yes,” you don’t have to worry.

Third, God feeds (v. 2). It is pointless to wear yourself out toiling for food to eat, for if God says “Yes,” He just supplies your need.

Fourth, God grants sleep (v. 2). I experience times of insomnia; everybody does at times. It is worse if there is a hard day coming up. This happened to me when we went to Hong Kong some time ago. I thought I knew jet lag when I came from America to Britain, but I had never experienced anything like what I felt after flying from Britain to Hong Kong. It was awful. I was scheduled to be on a Hong Kong radio station the next day, but I was awake all night.

This verse has since helped me to see that sleep comes from God, and if I don’t get the sleep I think I need, it will still be OK. The radio interview went fairly well, and I made it through the day.

When He says “Yes,” it makes a big difference. But to know this, you may have to fast and pray. If God is hiding His face from you, and you don’t know what to do, go and spend a whole day in prayer and fasting.

Within God’s will there is no failure; outside of God’s will there is no success.

Excerpted from Higher Ground (Christian Focus Publications Ltd., 1995).

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