Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

When God’s Grace Picks Up Your Tab

She stumbled down the hallway drenched in yesterday’s stress and worries. Missing a sufficient night’s sleep, she walked to the kitchen to feed her crying newborn child.

As she fumbled through the darkened room, she asked the question” “How am I going to do this?”

How has she been able to survive on just a few hours of rest, having to wake up the next morning to get to work? Tomorrow is not a concern because she is concerned about her crying baby today.

How is she surviving with little to no sleep? Is there a grace resting upon her to respond in love, meeting the needs of her crying infant? Does she have a grace to express this selfless act of love with an ability to care for someone who cannot care for themselves?

I can certainly identity with this mom. Can you think of any time where you needed to depend heavily on God’s grace? In 2020, we may have had to ask God for His grace more times than we care to count. “Let us come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16).

The throne of grace continues to be the place where we all need to continue to entreat. God graced you for whatever season of life you may find yourself in as a parent, caregiver, teacher on Zoom sessions or employee downsized and unemployed. God certainly can carry you through any season of your life.

Take a moment to reflect. You will need to recognize and acknowledge the goodness of God that followed you through some of the lowest valleys. God’s grace stepped in during those spaces of our lives. These moments were defined as moments where “His grace picks up the tab.”

God’s grace steps in and empowers us to do what we normally would not be able to do. Just as His grace empowers us to nurture a newborn baby that will not sleep, His grace is available in any time of need. {eoa}

Tune into this episode of Kingdom Touchdowns with Sherri Downs, titled Grow in Grace on the Charisma Podcast Network.

Sherri Downs is a wife and mother of two. Sherri is a published author of Don’t Be Bullied By The Devil, and Keys to Unprecedented Praying Power. She is a life coach, business consultant, conference speaker and host. Sherri is committed to her mandate to teach and instruct within the body of Christ. It is a passion and desire to see the power of God manifest in the pews. For more resources visit Connect with Sherri on Instagram at, on Facebook at, on Twitter at and on YouTube at

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