Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
man closed eyes

It took some time. It took a lot of work on the part of both, but eventually, as this man grew in his relationship with the Lord and began to experience the healing of his soul, he also began to witness the healing of his marriage.

All of that took place more than 12 years ago. Today, their marriage is better than ever. They are both in the ministry, bringing restoration to others who have been broken by sexual sin.

Unfortunately, such stories of true repentance are rare. Yet, God is no “respecter of persons.” What He has done for this couple, He is willing to do for others. God’s grace is greater than any sin. His ability to heal is greater than Satan’s power to destroy. If those who have fallen into sexual sin will surrender to God’s principles of truth, they will experience the power of His healing.

Mike Fehlauer pastors Tree of Life Fellowship in New Braunfels, Texas. He is the author of three books including Life Without Fear and Exposing Spiritual Abuse (Charisma House).

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