Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

One of the most trying times we can go through as Christians, I believe, is when we’re in a season of waiting upon God.

We’ve prayed; we’ve done all we know to do in the natural to help bring our prayer to fruition; we’ve planted seeds of our faith; yet our dreams and desires are still sitting on the shelf.

Why, Lord? What is next? How do I maintain a right relationship with You and stay in faith until I see Your answer come to pass?

We’ve all asked those same questions. What do we do as we’re waiting on God’s perfect timing in our lives? The writer encourages us from the Word of God in Hebrews 6:11-12: “We desire that every one of you show the same diligence for the full assurance of hope to the end, so that you may not be lazy, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”

If you or a family member is in the midst of a waiting period and have become discouraged in your faith, my recent podcast with pastor and author Lisa Osteen Comes has some encouragement for you! She gives a brief outline of how she overcame her own personal struggles with sickness, an unwanted divorce and even having a pipe bomb explode in her lap!

A few of the biblical tips Lisa shares include:

— How to learn to take hold of God’s promises in His Word and to rely on His impeccable timing.

— How to recognize a spirit of depression, discouragement and fear when it first comes upon us, and why we must not allow it to attach itself to us.

— Why faith and obedience to God’s Word and “doing it right the first time” are so crucial to receiving God’s highest and best for our lives.

— The importance of encouraging yourself in the Lord while waiting on your breakthrough.

The emotions we feel during times of waiting upon the Lord are common to us all, but they do not originate from God. His Word says in Galatians 6:9, “And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not give up.” And in John 16:33, we’re reminded that in Him, we can have peace and be overcomers, for He has already overcome the world.

I hope you’ll join me for this uplifting and hope-producing podcast with Lisa Osteen Comes and receive all the great insight she has to offer on waiting for your dreams to become reality or for your prayers to be answered.

For more Spirit-filled content like this, subscribe to Expect a Miracle with Richard Roberts on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Richard Roberts, D. Min., is chief executive officer of Oral Roberts Ministries and co-hosts with his wife, Lindsay, a daily inspirational TV program, The Place for Miracles. Dr. Roberts is also the founder of the Richard Roberts School of Miracles, hosting thousands of online students from more than 140 countries. Richard conducts healing meetings throughout America, as well as ministers to and teaches pastors in underdeveloped countries the fundamental principles of healing, seed-faith and the Holy Spirit, so they may do the greater works of Jesus in their regions of the world.

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