Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And he [Jesus] must needs go through Samaria-.-.-.-being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well. —John 4:4,6

These verses don’t say Jesus just happened to go through Samaria, or that Samaria was on His way. In fact, it was out of the way for Him to go through Samaria. Jesus went there and waited, knowing the Samaritan woman would soon arrive.

Sometimes it may seem as if your family is going through the greatest trial of your lives, but you are right on time. God is just getting your family to Samaria. You may not know where your fourteen-year-old is, or your sixteen-year-old may be on crack, but don’t fear. Jesus is waiting at the well.

I wanted to be a trial attorney and was on my way with a basketball scholarship when I blew my left knee out of joint-.-.-.-and my scholarship out the window. In the ashes of that brokenness, God said, “You are right on time. I just have to get you to a cornfield in Columbus, Ohio. I want you to plant a church there.”

So don’t worry over your children. They don’t have to find God. He knows where they are, and He is waiting for them to arrive.

Lord, I will go wherever You lead. Through
whatever terrain or wilderness,
I will follow You. Amen.

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