Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Amena Brown doesn’t always close her eyes and sway to music while in praise and worship at church. Sometimes she stands in front of the congregation and performs worshipful, hard-hitting “spoken-word poetry” to music. Brown, who also ministers her thought-provoking poetry to young adults at Fusion and Passion conferences across the country, says that everyone should let God use whatever gifts they have—not just the “popular” gifts usually used in church. “I’m always really big on encouraging young people to do what’s in your heart,” Brown told Charisma. “Do what you’re passionate about. You’re never too young or too old to start doing the passion that God put in your heart.”

An Inconvenient Savior


Jesus is no convenient savior

He is agitation to the prideful religious

He is the truth in love to the


Heart of a sinner

He did not call us to finding cotton-like


comfort in Christianity

He called us to live honestly,


turn over tables for justice,

love the unloved and unloving

In Jesus there is no comfort zone,


no playing it safe

There is feeling the tremble of fear and



letting it propel you to do His will

Holding His hand in the dark and letting 

Him lead you where you can’t see


-Amena Brown

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