Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

TODAY is Not a Day for Quitting

How are you doing today? Do you feel like giving up, turning back and calling it quits? Today is not that day! Today is the day to come out of discouragement and get back in the game.

The book of Hebrews mentions the word “today” seven times. The first time describes the revelation that Jesus is superior to, and worthy of, more honor, love and glory than any of the prophets, patriarchs or angels. We are urged that “today” is the moment in all of time and for all time to recognize the Son of God, Jesus, who is worthy of our faith and our most extravagant worship. Three times the word is used as a warning. After beginning well, we must not allow the difficulty and suffering to damage our trust or turn our hearts hard and bitter, nor turn our ears deaf.

Today, in this time and through every circumstance, it is time to listen to His voice. In between the three warnings comes a call to us to encourage one another today so sin cannot deceive us and take anyone down. This encouragement is Spirit-filled and scripturally sound, cutting to the heart of sin and deceit and instilling confidence in the One worthy of faith and worship.

Today is the time to be in committed community with those unafraid to speak the truth and who do not shrink back. Finally, the last two instances of this word: We are reminded that Jesus is the same yesterday, TODAY and forever. His faithfulness, lovingkindness, salvation, intercession, mercy, forgiveness, promises and kingdom are forever.

So today, though we may suffer for a little while, is not a day for quitting. No, TODAY, no matter the circumstances is the time to look to Jesus, “the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of God. Consider Him…so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted” (Heb. 12: 2-3, ESV).

Today is not a day for quitting. Gain inspiration and a fresh wind of determination as you join Tyler Feller on Move Forward with Dr. Kim Maas as he shares about his journey, what he sees coming and about his new book, “Don’t Stop: Learning to See Our Failures and Struggles as Opportunities.”

Ever felt vulnerable? In a moment after a long stressful journey, the enemy hit David hard in a place, and in a way, he did not expect. It turned his world upside down. His decisions in that moment would be crucial to the outcome. Find out how David’s choices at the most pivotal and painful moment of his life brought him a great reversal and into the fulfilment of the prophetic promise on my latest podcast series called “Turning Crisis into Crowns” on Move Forward with Dr. Kim Maas.

In this series, you will be affirmed and encouraged. You will learn what it means to “encourage yourself in the Lord” and discover how to choose faithfully during crisis to overcome the enemy and receive all Jesus has waiting for you.

Listen in and receive!

For more resources to help you to move forward: To listen to podcast episodes, go to Move Forward with Dr. Kim Maas on Charisma Podcast Network. To purchase her latest book, The Way of the Kingdom: Seizing the Times for a Great Move of God, order here. Visit these links, Prophetic Community E Course and Four Questions E Course, to take part in her e-courses. Visit her online at (with resources at or email her at [email protected] and/or join her email list at {eoa}

Dr. Kim Maas is the author of The Way of the Kingdom: Seizing the Times for a Great Move of God and Prophetic Community: God’s Call for All to Minister in His Gifts. She also hosts Move Forward on Charisma Podcast Network and the Prophetic Community e-course and Four Questions e-course.

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