Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Read Mark 10:46-52

fulfillment in a relationship with Jesus comes not from a miracle
encounter but in walking with Him, no matter which road He takes.


month’s reading brings us to the story of Bartimaeus, a blind beggar.
There truly is a great deal we can learn from this short passage from
the Gospel of Mark.

Bartimaeus knew about Jesus. “When he heard it was Jesus of Nazareth he
began to shout” (Mark 10:47). Second, Bartimaeus knew that is was
Jesus’ character to “have mercy” on the people with whom He interacted
(vv. 47-48).

Third, Bartimaeus did not
hesitate when Jesus called him. He threw off his cloak (quite possibly
his only possession), jumped to his feet and went to Jesus. Last,
Bartimaeus knew exactly what he wanted from Jesus. “I want to see,” he

Reflect now on your own life. Do you really
know and understand God’s character? Are you assured that it is God’s
character to give His creation (you) good things, to show you mercy?
And then do you actively seek Him? (Shouting in a crowd as Bartimaeus
did is very active.)

The first two steps are
easy. But they are where we often stop. We may seek God, but do we
listen for His answer (His call)? Do we throw off what holds us back
(our safety nets) and go to Him?

consider your requests. What are you praying for? Do you ask God to
give you a vision of His purpose and will for your life? After Jesus
healed Bartimaeus we find that “he followed Jesus along the road” (v.

Consider the testimony of “Sally,” who found
Christ in a country closed to Christianity. She made two Christian
friends who invited her to church.

the very beginning my heart was touched by worship and songs. Later on
… I asked the pastor to pray for my very important exam. He said: ‘I
hope you will pray with your own faith.’ So I simply prayed and I asked
Him to meet me or somehow prove to me that this is the right way!

He did. I found there were no more doubts about Jesus as my Lord and
Savior. I gave my heart to Him and I started to serve Him right after
Now Jesus is the first priority in my life, and knowing
and doing His will is much more important than even my job and my

To truly “see” is to understand that
life is fulfilling only when we are following Jesus down the road. It
is important to realize that physical healing or financial stability or
whatever you are seeking is only the starting point on the road, the
beginning of a lifelong journey.

Adapted from Principles 4Life (Life Publishers International), available free of charge at


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