Tue. Oct 8th, 2024

The Sarah Anointing: You Were Made to Bless Nations and Generations

We are living in one of the most tumultuous times I’ve ever experienced. Sickness, death, change, men’s hearts failing because of fear, doubt, unbelief, instability, and shakings are all around us. Generations are warring with other generations. This cultural change has brought devastation to families, cities, and nations. I hear the Lord saying, “Fear not!” His promises are true, and He does not change. He hasn’t changed His mind about you and your destiny. He is still going to bless you and make you a blessing to your generation.

There is a plot of the enemy to seduce this generation of believers from the foundation of faith in the promises of God. We must return to the ancient paths. Psalm 11:3 (AMP) asks, “If the foundations [of a godly society] are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” We cannot allow doubt and unbelief to rule in our hearts. We must fight for the truth of the Word. We must fight to see truth and righteousness prevail in the earth.

There is a fresh impartation of faith in the true and living God being released in the earth. Just as Sarah, the mother of nations, we must look within ourselves and judge God as faithful! The focus of faith is knowing in whom we believe. Faith is more than understanding a particular promise. Sarah’s journey teaches us that we must focus on the One behind the promise rather the promise itself. God is raising up modern-day Sarahs who will be contenders for faith in the promise giver.

God is releasing an army of women who will be a stabilizing force in these troubled times. Stability means you are secure in your position, not likely to fail or fall; you are steady, constant, and firm. Isaiah 33:6 says, “Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times.” There is a company of women who will be anointed with supernatural wisdom and knowledge that equip a generation to contend for the promise given to them. Woman of God, there is a clarion call going out in the earth for modern-day Sarahs to arise.

The company of women with the Sarah anointing will war according to the prophecies that are delivered to them until they receive the promise. God is anointing you with the power to unlock all the promises and destinies that He ordained from the beginning of time for you and your family. He is releasing courage and mandating you to secure your inheritance and pass the legacy of faith in God to your children and your children’s children.

Women are arising with legendary faith to believe God for the impossible. God will anoint these women with the Holy Ghost and power to demonstrate miracles and the mercy of God on a massive scale. Many women are being mantled with the spirit of might to accomplish some assignment for Jesus that will be nothing short of legendary.

God is awakening an army of women who will become mothers of the nations. They will break through natural and spiritual barrenness to conceive and bring forth His plans and purposes, just as Sarah did. This generation needs spiritual mothers. If we are to see the order of God established in the earth, it’s going to take apostolic mothering grace as well as the apostolic fathering grace.

Sarah had unshakable faith in an unshakable God. Modern-day Sarahs will believe God for the restoration of men and women as ones having dominion in the earth. These women will rule and reign in the earth, alongside and in partnership with men. Gender wars are destructive. We will see faith, tenacity, and the love of God demolish the ancient war between men and women in the earth.

We are in a season when God is enlarging our capacity to receive our inheritance. God had a determined destination for your life, and it’s called the wealthy place, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

God is empowering and equipping a company of modern-day Sarahs to step outside every box of insecurity, intimidation, and inferiority to make a global impact for His kingdom. These women will have vision to fight for the promises of God to be fulfilled in their lives as well as in the families of the earth. Jesus is redeeming lives from destruction. He is fulfilling promises and filling our mouths with laughter. He is redeeming time and restoring years lost. He is pouring out His mercy and lovingkindness upon His people. He is fulfilling dreams and giving many a second chance at life. Modern-day Sarahs, it is time to arise!

Becoming a Woman of Faith

Around four thousand years ago, the Lord appeared to a man named Abram and made a covenant with him. The Lord told him:

“As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations. No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations. I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you. And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you” (Gen. 17:4-7).

But the promises in God’s covenant were not just about Abraham. Abraham’s wife, called Sarai when God first appeared to him, also had a vital role:

“As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. And I will bless her and also give you a son by her; then I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples shall be from her” (Gen. 17:15-16).

At the time God spoke these words to Abraham, Sarah was not a mother at all, let alone a mother of nations. God was calling her according to her destiny. He was calling her future into her present.

God does the same thing with you. What has God said about you? By what name does He call you, invoking your promised future to intersect your present reality? It doesn’t matter where you are now; God speaks to you from your future. God “calls those things which do not exist as though they did” (Rom. 4:17). Before Sarah became a mother, the Lord called her a mother of nations, even as He began to orchestrate the events that would create the spiritual environment necessary for her nature to be changed.

Abraham and Sarah had taken their first step of faith when they obeyed God and left Abraham’s father’s house and their country, but their faith still had some growing to do. And God was taking them through the process of becoming the father and mother of faith.

God’s plan was to make nations and kings from Abraham and Sarah’s union. And the legacy of their union is one of faith. As a member of one of “the families of the earth” referenced in Genesis 12:3, you have inherited not only the promised blessing (which refers to Jesus) but also the legacy of faith. The calling of Abraham and Sarah was about family, about passing down the covenantal blessings of God from one generation to the next, about a heritage of faith and hope, about blessing all the nations of the earth through the faith of one couple.

In a time when more and more people are leaving the church and walking away from the faith, the Sarah anointing is critically important. It is time for women to rise up to infuse the next generation with hope so that faith may rise in their hearts again. The generations are crying out for the hope and faith that you have. It is a part of your spiritual legacy, and you need to pass it down to the generations coming after you, both natural and spiritual. {eoa}

The preceding is an excerpt from Michelle McClain-Walters’ The Sarah Anointing (Charisma House, 2022). For more information or to order the book, please visit mycharismashop.com.

Michelle McClain-Walters has traveled to more than 50 nations and has conducted schools of the prophet that have activated thousands in the art of hearing the voice of God. She is the author of The Prophetic Advantage and five books in the Women of Influence series. For many years she served as director of prayer ministry on the staff of Crusaders Church under the leadership of Apostle John Eckhardt. One of the house prophets and apostolic team leaders at Crusaders Church for many years, she now ministers out of Orlando, where she lives with her husband, Floyd Walters Jr.

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