Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented [changed His mind] of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not. —Jonah 3:10

After much resistance, Jonah yielded to God to go to Nineveh to preach repentance to that great city in Assyria. Then the pronouncement was made that after forty days God would judge the city with His wrath.

With urgency, the king declared a fast that even included the animals. The people wept and begged for mercy, and with an open heart they prayed to God. Because they humbled themselves in prayer, God lifted His declaration and spoke life, and not death, over them.

Our God does not show favoritism, for His mercy extends the globe (John 3:17). The love and mercy of God can reach anyone—from the uttermost to the guttermost. He can reach out to wherever your unsaved loved ones are and set their feet on the Rock of their salvation.

Think of loved ones who are lost, and pray for their salvation today. Think of those in your city, nation, and world who are lost. Pray for their salvation today. Ask God to be merciful to them and to seed His Spirit to convict, deliver, save, and heal them today.

Jesus, I pray for the lost this day. I pray
for my loved ones who are lost. I pray
for all the lost in the world. Extend
Your mercy and send forth workers
into the harvest to proclaim
Your good news. Amen.

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