Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Are you afraid of the dark?

When my sons were much younger, I became well aware of the need to turn on the night light before sending them to bed, to help dispel their fears.

But I am referring here to a different and much more substantial fear of the dark.

Scripture says of God, “Clouds and thick darkness surround Him” (Ps. 97:2)—not how we normally picture our heavenly Father. Yet anyone who has walked with the Lord for any length of time will admit that there are seasons when the presence of God is obscured from even the most spiritually perceptive.

Instead of shying away from that truth in fear or dread, we must sooner or later confront the reality of a God whom we can’t always see.

We have just completed the season of Purim on the biblical calendar, when we remember how God delivered the Jewish people through the courage of Esther. The story of Esther is the perfect example of God’s “hidden” presence in the midst of darkness.

Recently, Rabbi Erez Sherman and I discussed some remarkable stories and insights associated with Purim, demonstrating the resilience of the Jewish people in carrying the presence of God even in the darkest of times. I know it will be a great strength and encouragement to you.

I believe that times of momentary instability and confusion are the equivalent of God asking us to believe Him when we don’t understand. The darkness is an invitation to walk by faith—to trust God’s vision, not our own. And if we embrace God in the darkness, like Esther we will discover the true purpose the darkness is meant to play in our lives.

To continue reading the full article, click here.

Bishop Robert Stearns is the founder and executive director of Eagles’ Wings, a dynamic relational ministry involved in a variety of outreaches and strategic projects around the world. He has ministered in 30 nations around the world and maintains a significant burden for the United States and for Israel. www.eagleswings.org. Listen to his podcast, the Official Robert Stearns Podcast, for this fascinating interview with Rabbie Erez Sherman.

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