The Disaster in Haiti

Why Pat Robertson’s comments were misunderstood

Editor’s Note: Author Kimberly Daniels originally sent the following message on Jan. 17 to a network of intercessors she trains in spiritual warfare. We are posting it here with her permission, but ask readers to keep in mind the context in which it was written and the audience of mature prayer warriors she was specifically addressing.

I got up early the morning after the earthquake in Haiti to pray. As my prayer partner and I began to cry out for worldwide relief and support, miraculous rescues, protection for missionaries/orphans and the immediate needs of the people, the Lord interrupted our flow. Clearly I heard the voice of the Lord say, “Do not get in the way of My vengeance!” Though we continued to pray for the humanitarian cause, we could not overlook the spiritual implications of the situation. My heart breaks for the needs of the people in Haiti as a result of the earthquake, but the truth is, the problem in Haiti is deeper than what has happened this week.

My husband and I went to Haiti last summer. It was a trip that changed my life. It is true that (in America) we are rich in the poorest of slums in comparison to the living conditions in Haiti. I was not surprised to see how prevalent religious spirits were in a country that has been dedicated unto voodoo. I understand the principle that all witchcraft must be attached to a religion. Even satanists have their own bible.

It amazed me that as poor as the people are, they were still able to afford to paint their vehicles and buses with religious graffiti. The ironic part is that behind the pictures of Jesus, crosses and other religious symbols are the voodoo gods that are really worshipped.

While in Haiti I preached to a crowd gathered in an open field. At the end of my message, I made an altar call and asked people to renounce their worship to voodoo gods. I was shocked to see that 95 percent of the people came to the altar to repent. My heart sank as I saw 7- and 8-year-olds bringing their voodoo fetishes and laying them at the altar.

Many people are upset with Pat Robertson for addressing the issue of the dedication of the land to voodoo. I understand what he is saying because Haiti needs more than food, medical supplies and shelter. The Book of Leviticus teaches that it is the responsibility of the priests to teach the difference between what is holy and unholy. Somebody needs to speak on behalf of the church of Jesus Christ. Real Christians will speak the truth even if it hurts.

It should be noted that over the years Robertson has been a great supporter to the Haitian community in providing relief and aid. His humanitarian aid organization, Operation Blessing, was at work helping Haitians even as he made those comments. Robertson’s comments were not out of an act of sympathy but compassion. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not rooted in the sympathy of ‘what people think’ (especially the world) but the compassion of the truth. Brother Robertson told the truth-it is the only thing that will make Haiti free. It is sad that few Christians will stand for the truth at the risk of their reputation.

There is a twofold situation in Haiti: First, we should attend to the needs of the people in this horrible calamity. Anyone that does not have compassion for the human suffering that exists in Haiti has a cold heart. On the other hand, giving humanitarian relief is only putting a Band-Aid on the problem. What will we do after the next hurricane or earthquake? The ax must be put to the root in Haiti to cut off the darkness lurking against the people there. Yes, they were the first blacks to be liberated from slavery. But it is no secret that pacts were made with the gods of Santeria and Yoruba. The demons have not forgotten the promises that Haitian ancestors made to them.

I have also spoken with many Haitian Christians who confirm that even the Haitian liberation from slavery has resulted in remaining under the rule of strongman Leviathan (Pride). The spiritual leaders of the country must cry out in repentance from witchcraft and pride. I believe that restoration for Haiti is the will of God. It is His will to heal the land!

The church needs to do spiritual warfare prayer for Haiti. We cannot expect the world to understand this plight-the carnal mind does not and cannot understand the things of the spirit. I am very comfortable without the secular world’s approval to speak truth that will make men free. Haiti has been under the curse of the lie of voodoo for too long and the people need truth.

The day before the quake I was witnessing to three Haitian young men in a shopping mall. I talked to them about the idolatry in their country and named gods such as Oshun, Ogun, Shango and Obatala. They were surprised that I knew the names of these gods, but did not deny that they were familiar with them. It is their way of life! I am not saying that every Haitian is involved in voodoo; I am saying that it is the familiar spirit that rules over their lineage and must be dealt with.

As much as people want him to be, Pat Robertson is not a loony tune. The voodoo doctors, spiritualists and many Christians know this. The question is, who has the guts (in the church) to stand for the truth? We should not allow the world to prophesy to the church! Someone has to be the prophet to the Ninevehs of this age!

Our first response to this terrible situation should be to provide for the needs of our Haitian brothers and sisters. Living in Florida privileges me to have Haitian members in my churches. I pray for them and know their struggles. But if we do not pull down the strongholds of Haiti and tear down the altars of the lies and deceptions of the devil, we do our Haitian neighbors no justice.

As we release compassionate prayers toward those who are suffering, we must remember not to get in the way of the vengeance of God. His thoughts and ways are not like ours. As we focus on the natural troubles of the world, God’s heart breaks for the souls that are eternally tormented in the pits of hell with no hope of relief. God’s vengeance does not come out of getting back at men or the devil. It comes out of the truth of His Word and His love for His people. God’s vengeance deals with us where we are now so that we will not have to be dealt with in the final judgment.

Many may ask this question: “Did the devil or God cause the destruction in Haiti”? The answer is both! Because of broken covenants with God and a dark covenant with the devil, God allowed it, just as He sent a lying spirit to the mouths of the prophets in 2 Chronicles 18:20-22:

Then a spirit came forward and stood before the Lord, and said, ‘I will persuade him.’ The Lord said to him, ‘In what way?’ So he said, ‘I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’ And the Lord said, ‘You shall persuade him and also prevail; go out and do so.’ Therefore look! The Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouth of these prophets of yours, and the Lord has declared disaster against you.

Never forget, God is in control of everything. Vengeance is not the devil’s but God’s. Who can judge God’s vengeance? He is a jealous God! The flood in the Book of Genesis, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and many other accounts in the Bible prove this. Let’s not point fingers at Haiti, but instead focus on the word and the will of God found in the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy. If we obey God’s commandments, we will be blessed; if we disobey them, we will be cursed. The idolatry of America is weighing in the balance as I write. If we do not repent and turn from the things that are pulling us away from God, we will be the next ones needing relief. Selah!

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