Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression. —Isaiah 58:1

Napoleon was one of the few men who came close to conquering the world. It is said that he would gather his warlords together to study a map of the world. He would point to a little red spot in the center of the map, an island called England, and roar, “Were it not for that red spot, I could conquer the world!”

There is a red spot on the earth today, and the demons swirl in the atmosphere, shaking with rage. They point to the Cross of Jesus Christ. The devil’s plans to conquer the world were thwarted at Calvary. Now those who are washed in the precious blood of the Savior stand against the forces of evil and proclaim, “Jesus is Lord!”

God’s blood-bought remnant on this planet has the responsibility to point others to the Cross. We must stand up in a world filled with the devil’s lies and boldly declare, “Jesus is the only way to heaven!”

Jesus, You are my way, truth, and life.
Your cross is the only way to heaven.
I declare that every devil and demon that crosses my path
today is defeated in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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