Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Cure for a Worn-Out ‘Want-To’

When our “want-to” is worn out, it’s tempting to write something off as beyond repair because the cure for our pain requires surrender.

We get worn out fighting with a strong-willed child.

We get worn out waiting for the apology we think we deserved and never got.

We get worn out struggling with a distant spouse.

We get worn out holding onto hurt until it festers and becomes an infection requiring intense treatment. Unaddressed disappointment is poison to the soul. When we ignore things out of fear, we grapple with the pain of crumbling emotions.

In John 5, Jesus encountered a crippled man, lying mere inches from the waters of the Pool of Bethesda, alongside many others who wanted the healing properties they believed the waters offered. This man lived as an invalid for 38 years. Worn out from 38 years of missed opportunities, he had nothing left to offer Jesus but excuses. “People go in ahead of me … no one helps me in.” Before Jesus offered the cure, He asked a question: “Do you want to get well?” Jesus did in one moment what the man couldn’t do in a lifetime.

Jesus offers us the cure of patience when we’re worn out from fighting, forgiveness when we’re worn out from waiting and grace when we’re worn out from struggling. He invites us to receive the remedy for our numb, tired hearts. What do we do when our “want-to” is worn out?

The cure for a worn-out “want-to” is surrender. Surrender starts by following the same principles Jesus offers the despondent man in John 5:

Get up. Resist the temptation to concede defeat to the sting of pain, and allow God to heal you. Jesus invites us to get up out of a victim mentality and get into His perspective.

Pick up your mat. In those four words, Jesus told the broken man, “You don’t belong here. Look to Me as your healer and become who I created you to be.” Leave behind the paralysis of faulty beliefs by receiving God’s truth.

Walk. What action step is God is calling you to take? Forgive others. Ask for grace. Stop doubting. Lay down pride. Embrace a fresh start by trusting in God’s Word for guidance and the Holy Spirit for empowerment.

Just as Jesus restored a broken man, He can revive a worn-out “want-to.” Don’t put it off another moment. Step into surrender and see what God will do.

Editor’s Note: On Mondays during June and July, Angela Donadio shares some of her favorite stories from her most recent book, Astounded: Encountering God in Everyday Moments, on Make Life Matter on Charisma Podcast Network. Listen to this episode for more about the power of reaching for kindness and the importance of honor.

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