Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. —Ephesians 4:23-24

Everything in God’s kingdom is in opposition to the ways of the world. To live, we must first die to ourselves, our desires, and our flesh. To receive, we must first give. To bring us out, God brings us in—out of the shadows and into His marvelous light.

We think we can only make this much, save this much, and invest this much at this percentage rate. But our efforts only limit God. Life is not prescribed by our limits but by His limitlessness. But God promises a better rate of return. When our seed is sown in good ground we can expect a yield of some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred (Mark 4:20).

Once you begin operating in God’s kingdom, the rules change; there are no limits to His abundance. Which kingdom are you living in? Are you submitted to the laws of the world? Commit to the guidance and care of your heavenly Father, and take the limits off!

Father, I desire to live in Your limitless love,
power, and grace. Forgive me for establishing limits
where You have none. Amen.

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