Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Submitting to God’s Plan Allows You to Operate Fully in Your Calling

Let me ask you this question: Do you know what God has called you to be? Do you know which lane you are to be in?

We are all called by God for His purpose. Whether it is part of the fivefold ministry, or as a mother, policeman or janitor—just know that we are all called. God has a plan and purpose for each and every one of us.

Whatever your calling, whatever lane that you are in, you are to be the best that you can be in that lane. Being your best may not mean that you are better than others, but God is not worried about that. He has called you to be a supernatural being, so don’t worry about the natural. The problem that we run up against is that so many people want what others have instead of staying in their God appointed lane. It is what God has called us to be, not what we want to be or what man wants us to be. Being submitted to God is just that—submitted to His will, His plans and His purposes.

I am noticing it more and more these days that we have a jealousy spirit infiltrating at all levels in our churches. Unfortunately, this happens in ministry and gets many believers and leaders into enemy territory opening doors that should not be opened. Many leaders do not like to invite guest speakers to their pulpit in case the congregation likes the guest speaker more than them. The Bible says in James 3:16, “For where there is envying and strife, there is confusion and every evil work.”

Every church should have a fivefold ministry, and if you do not, then you should be inviting the other folds into your church in order to assist and complement what you lack. And you should be inviting them without jealousy or condemnation. They could be used to help you train, equip and bring giftings that the church may not have.

The Word of God tells us in 1 Corinthians 12 that we are all parts of the body, but we are different parts. However, we are still one body. We need to focus on the part of the body that we are and leave the other parts to someone else. When we don’t stay in our lane where God has called us to be—trouble will brew.

Let’s look at the story of David. Whose lane was it to fight Goliath? It was King Saul’s lane. He was God’s appointed king; it was his job to lead the people. However, he allowed fear to step in and that took him out of his lane. Do not let fear take you out of your lane. As with Saul, God now had no other choice but to take Saul out of his original lane and replace him with David. So now David was moved into a different lane by God Himself. David stepped into a new lane and left the shepherding lane behind.

When God calls you into a lane, you stay in that lane until God calls you out. Men cannot move you or place you into lanes where God has not opened up the lane for you. That is not scriptural. It is up to God when and if you move. We need to understand and be satisfied in the lane God has placed us in for whatever time and season. We must not covet the lanes that others are in.

Let’s all stay in our lanes ordained by God. If we follow His direction, we can rest assured that we can be collision free!

Let’s journey together as you listen to our Fresh Fire Podcast titled Staying in Your Lane and take away seven powerful keys that will keep you from an inappropriate lane change. {eoa}

Todd Smith is the founder and apostle of Fresh Fire Apostolic Ministries, along with his wife Sandra Benaglia Smith. They live on the Great Lakes Region of Ontario, Canada, in Simcoe (Norfolk County). Fresh Fire Apostolic Ministries is about bringing revival fire to local communities, regions and the nations. It is about ministering to others through the power of the anointed and infallible Word of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Todd is dedicated in helping equip the body of Christ to awaken the nations with an apostolic and prophetic call of a rising ekklesia. Todd has devoted his life to the righteousness of Christ, with the demonstration of the Father’s heart in regions, individuals and the church across the world. Todd’s desire is to see every believer fulfill their God-given destiny and live life to the fullest in God.

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